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Volkswagen Passat 2011 Interior

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  • toddybody
    Apr 19, 11:41 AM
    Ah yes, well a desktop card would be nice. And the 27" does have the room when compared to the 21". They could engineer it in there if they wanted to.

    But yes, I share your dream.

    The vapor chambers and relatively efficient TDP of the 6950, could be combined with a much needed re-engineered iMac cooling system(the current "slit" the back is silly)...I know I complain too much about this topic...but a 2650x1440 monitor should be powered by a MUCH more substantial GPU

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  • takao
    Feb 28, 07:59 AM
    I currently have a 4.7L V8 Dodge Dakota. I'd buy a diesel version of it in a heartbeat. I could still get the power/hauling ability needed but have the mileage to justify having the pickup.

    But now with the possibility of having $5/gal gas looming, the 18 HWY MPG may force my hand.

    i just looked up the torque on the new 4.7 v8: 446nm ... compared to this thread Chevrolet Cruze 2011 new diesel with 360nm from a 2.0 I4 ... no wonder you would want a diesel for pulling ;) (the 3.7 v6 entry engine only produced 319 nm of torque ... in a truck heavier than the moon)

    that the US car makers still sells trucks, pickups etc. without diesel options is simply a complete lack of any common sense. diesel engines are practically made to be perfect for pulling and towing in commercial vehicles
    for it's south american Amarok pick up VW simply took the 2.0 I4 TDI from the golf/jetta and set up the engine slightly different in regards to the power/torque band and ends up with an engine which was very likely cheaper to develop, cheaper to build had less weight and still achieves 400nm of torque

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  • phungy
    Jan 3, 08:31 PM
    Found a coupon code if anyone wants to go to Macworld.

    1. Go to the Macworld website and click "Register Today"
    2. Enter coupon code digg
    3. You can get the 4 day exhibit hall pass for free.

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  • aquajet
    Sep 6, 09:17 AM
    These new Mac Mini's don't seem like a great deal anymore. I think it was done on purpose to get people to upscale to a higher model.

    I think the $599 model, now with the core duo of course, is a good deal. I can't really say the same thing about the $799 model.

    Although, a refurb core solo can now be had for $479. :)

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  • poppe
    Sep 1, 12:37 PM
    Man, if they can fit something better than a ATI Radeon X1600 XT or whatever nVidia equivalent, that would be awesome.

    If they do release a 23-inch iMac, I'm wondering if that's big enough for more user upgrades. Processor replacements, adding a PCI or replacing a GPU, etc. I mean, if there's space for it, I would certainly like an all-in-one iMac that has upgradable features that make it almost Mac Pro like. The only damper on the non-Mac Pro desktops and laptops is your upgrade paths are limited.

    I don't think they'll ever make the iMac very upgradable. While iMac and Mac Pro users tend to be a different type, I still think if they leave to much room for the iMac to grow at a bargain, then there will be no reason for a Mac Pro.

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  • thejadedmonkey
    Jul 14, 01:10 AM
    You won't see a blu-ray or HD-DVD burner in a Laptop (erm, notebook) for some time. Why? Simple; the battery would drain before it could burn a full disk.

    We'll have to wait for at least 4x burning, probably a lot more though, before we see em in laptops.

    and Wireless "N"? psh, I'm still using "B".

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  • quigleybc
    Oct 23, 12:12 PM
    New MacBook Pro's and video iPods for some, abortions and miniature American flags for others


    Abortions for ALL !!

    ha ha, best Pimpsons quote ever.

    oh, and ya, new laptops would be neat.

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  • Prom1
    Feb 27, 10:53 PM
    Finishing my graphic design degree this May. The large intuos might get replaced by a cintiq very soon.

    I'm half guessing you posted an Intel Atom sticker on the MBA to prevent would be thieves from thinking its really a MBA right?

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  • Crigger540
    Sep 14, 06:14 AM
    Belkin - Grip Vue Case for Apple� iPod� touch - Rooftop Green
    $24.99 BestBuy

    http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/7438/dscf6393.th.jpg (http://img215.imageshack.us/i/dscf6393.jpg/)
    http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/467/dscf6392.th.jpg (http://img5.imageshack.us/i/dscf6392.jpg/)

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  • LethalWolfe
    Apr 5, 01:57 PM
    What are you talking about? iTMS not generating profit? Geez, check your facts!

    You are the one in need of fact checking. Jobs has said in a number of interviews that iTMS will generate enough money to basically break even. iTMS is there to sell iPods, not to make a profit.


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  • sjo
    Nov 29, 03:13 AM
    People forget that MS has dominated pretty much every market they enter. Whether it be PDAs, PC desktops, Office software suites, internet browsers, and gaming (did I miss any other markets?).

    Hmmmm, I'd say only the ones they haven't ended up dominating :rolleyes:

    Like mobile phones, web servers, creativity software, games, game consoles, personal financial software, search, etc.

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  • colonelsanders
    Mar 25, 12:19 AM
    Per your comment below, I think you might be misunderstanding Crossfire.

    The MP does have an upgrade option to include two 5770's that will allow you to drive up to six displays. This is great but this should not be confused with crossfire.

    If they were set up in crossfire you would only be able to drive 3 monitors as you would be limited to the output of your primary card. The second card acts as extra processing load for the primary card while set up in crossfire. Additionally if they were setup in crossfire you would see a bridge between the two cards.

    As far as i know Apple has never supported crossfire or sli. They have however supported multi gpus in one machine.

    Well then, Apple is gonna confuse alot of people with the 5770 crossfire MP upgrade. Look it up folks, crossfire is supported


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  • pope
    Jan 13, 09:28 AM
    introducing...MacBook Error

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  • SciFrog
    Oct 5, 08:24 PM
    Congrats, keep the bigadv coming!

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  • TTarkas
    Apr 21, 11:27 AM
    Is Al Frankin running for president again? :rolleyes:

    At least he's got a birth certificate. Although I think it refers to Stewart Smalley or something like that.

    Watch this issue to be linked to net neutrality in a heartbeat, and the logical .. cough: BS cough: .. conclusion that the government should make all rules for consumer devices and electronic signals.

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  • kelving525
    Sep 14, 09:58 PM
    Which store in NYC? I've been looking for that dark blue/dark purple one.

    The one on 86th street and Lex.
    Yea, that's the ONLY store I've seen this case. I went to the one on 62nd/Broadway, 44th/5th, Union Square, none of them had it. I was surprised when I saw this!

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  • SchneiderMan
    Sep 16, 03:50 PM
    Got these from eBay for $1 each, good quality.
    Link (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290471004347&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT#ht_3465wt_913)

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  • Plonk
    Sep 22, 04:46 AM
    I order this one, it ships today so I'll report back when I get it
    Im in love with this case but...... Im not going to pay $40 for postage too Australia.:(

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  • wmmk
    Jul 13, 11:17 PM
    Yeah! Since this guy doesn't want it, neither do the rest of us!
    Actually, he has a point. Bluray is not currently at a reasonable price, and doing away with combo drives would be a bigger deal than getting Bluray for at least 70% of users.

    Apr 2, 07:02 PM
    interesting. Wonder if they'll keep variations of this in rotation while adding model-specific ones?

    Jan 12, 07:59 AM
    How about
    Apple iTunes and the apple store are available everywhere through the air.

    Like .Mac your mac is automatically backed up so if you lose it, your files and account still exist at Apple, because through the air, they have been backed up. I mean we can trust Apple with our info right?

    To get new software you get it through the air. You connect to Apple and download it to the appropriate device the way you currently buy a song and your credit card is billed.

    All devices can transfer data through a high speed bluetooth, so you can backup at home to a DVD or a Hard Drive.(this one is a compilation of ideas already expressed in this thread).

    Mar 22, 03:58 PM
    I wish i had that many songs that i listen to :(

    Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 26, 04:34 PM
    I see people here still digging up the old WORD and WINDOWS argument that gets debunked every damn time someone brings it up.

    Microsoft has a trademarked OS name that is a common GUI element. They also trademarked the word "Word" for a word processing application. Where's the outrage?

    Amazon could have very easily chosen a suitable name that did not exactly mirror what Apple had already chosen. Apple's other competitors have managed to do so. What would be wrong with "Amazon Apps?" Amazon picked Amazon Appstore looking for a fight.

    Because its actually "Microsoft Word".

    Big difference.

    "Apple App Store"

    Done! Call it a day. Job well done.

    Aug 25, 12:04 PM
    Why would updated mac minis be such a high security product. Its nothing revolutionary so why would apple want so much security on the shipping of them? Im hoping for something BIG

    Now you're talking. I want my iFon


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