Ferrari 248 F1 Picture

Stencil Graffiti Artworks that are worth seeing

1. Snort (London, UK)

“after following a white paint trail around the streets of shoreditch it ends up at this stencil. “

2. Do not cross (Copenhagen, Denmark)

3. Maid (London, UK)

4. What Are You Looking At? (London, UK)

5. The Thief(London, UK)

6. Rude Boy Rat(Brighton, UK)

7. iNeed (London, UK)

8. Dead Pedestrian (somewhere in Europe)

9. Banana Therapy (London, UK)

10. I Am Your Father (Melbourne, Australia)

11. E=mc^2 (London, UK)

12. Cut here! (somewhere in the planet Earth)

13. Taking Shower is for Dirty People (Washington, DC, USA)

14. Girl Jumping (Brooklyn, NYC, USA)

15. Ribcage (Paris, France)

16. Killing People is Rude (Chicago, IL, USA)

17. Strange Zebra (Dublin, Ireland)

18. Leopard Escapes (London, UK)

19. Just Back from McDonalds? (Los Angeles, CA, USA)

20. Just Do It! (Lisbon, Portugal)

21. Girl Slide (London, UK)

22. Take That Society (London, UK)

23. Kid and a Boat (London, UK)

24. Art Removed! (Asheville, N Carolina, USA)

25. Weapon of Mass Humiliation (Wellington, New Zeland)

26. The Truth about Capitalism (San Francisco, CA, USA)

smart car

ihh.. lutu na....
pengen punya satu deh ...

sumber : nemu di milis ....

I see a red moon rising: rare natural phenomena captured on camera

Stunning pictures of a red rising moon have emerged today.

The rare natural phenomena, which is known as ‘Etruscan Vase’, is caused by differences in air temperature near the earth's surface.

Also known as an Omega moon because of its shape, the optical effect is more usually seen in views of the setting sun rather than the rising full moon.

Photographer John Stetson caught the moment on camera at Casco Bay near Cape Elizabeth in Maine, USA, earlier this month.

Mirages such as this are possible when there is a layer of relatively warm air at the ocean surface with colder air above it, with a rapid drop in temperature the higher above surface.

On the day the pictures were taken the water was 39F (4C) while the air well above it was a chilly 18F (-8C).

Light passing through the atmosphere bends away from the warmer air towards the colder, denser air.

The result is that we see two moons - one being a mirror image of the other.

The lower part of the image is formed by rays from the moon which are reflected upwards from the warm layer of air at the surface.

If you are above this layer, you see both images together as rays also pass relatively undeflected over the top of the warm layer.

Optics expert Les Cowley said: ‘The effect is not dissimilar to the mirage seen above a hot road surface.

‘The mirage depends on your height above the sea surface. You must be above the warm air layer but climb too high and the effects diminish.’

The moon appears red in colour because it is low in the sky, and blue light from it is scattered by the atmosphere while more red light passes through.

" Pasang Spatboard Kolong di Athlete"

dengan perpindahnya posisi footstep depan di athlete gw,
emang sepatu jadi (sedikit) terhindar dari cipratan air kotor
dari ban depan...

tapi ternyata, sekarang dapet cipratan dari ban belakang ..

air kotor itu menyiprat ke sepatu melalui area didekat

shockbreaker belakang ..

untung aja dapet referensi dari bro indra-menkoholic di milis :
akhirnya gw ikutan pasang deh ...

kalo bro indra pake spatboard punya MX yg di modif sendiri,
gw ga punya ide mo pake apa tadinya ..
trus kebetulan deket rumah ada tempat pengumpul barang
trus iseng deh liat-liat disitu ...

lagi liat-liat spatboard,
mata gw tiba-tiba tertumpu pada sebuah
helm cetok bekas ..
dibagian topi depannya bentuknya bagus ..
dan kliatannya
cocok kalo dipasang buat spatboard kolong..

iseng deh.. gw tawar 2ribu.. dia minta 3ribu...
langsung bayar dan bawa pulang ...
dicoba-coba... dipas-pasin di kolong athlete ..

hm ... tinggal "plek" aja ternyata (plug and play kali yah ..)

perasaan masih punya pilox item deh ...

langsung deh tuh benda di cuci bersih
trus di semprat-semprot
pake pilox item ...

setelah kering ..
langsung pasang di kolong athlete ...

trus di iket pake plastic tie warna item..

wuih ..
keren .....

pas riding seusai ujan kemarin,
hore ..
cipratan dari ban belakang ga nyampe lagi ke sepatu gw ..

tampilan ?
tambah keren dunk...
athlete gitu loh ...

The amazing 3D pavement art that has pedestrians on edge

Giant ice-age crevasses are few and far between - especially in Ireland.

Don't worry, it is the latest creation of 3-D street artist Edgar Mueller.

The crack, appearing to show a fault in the earth's crust, was created for the town's 'Festival of World Culture' last year in the town of Dun Laoghaire.

And locals wasted no time having fun with the work by pretending to teeter precariously on the edge of the deep hole.

Mueller said: '3D street painting itself is a very new artform which only a handful of people do worldwide. Its nature is to trick people's eyes and show them a new "reality".

'The technique itself is called anamorphism and has been known since the Middle Ages. It was used by famous painters like Michelangelo, da Vinci and others in their murals.'

Residents of a German town were horrified when they emerged from their homes to find a lava pool running through the middle of the road.

Scroll down to watch a video of the making of the The Crevasse...

Spanning over 8 x 50 metres, 'Use your eyes' is one of the biggest three-dimensional street paintings ever made.

With the help of locals, the German artist's jaw-dropping art involved clever planning so that when the picture is viewed from a certain angle it looks totally three-dimensional.
Mueller plays with big areas and elemental forces - and also asks that his audience enter the scenery and interact with the picture.

He said: 'it gets thrilling when the observer runs in the picture.'

His other works include a 250 square metre giant fissure in Ireland, that took five days to paint.