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short hair styles for women over 60

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  • Doc750
    Mar 18, 11:22 AM
    you people who think being charged for tethering is justified, exemplify what is wrong with this country. You would bend over and take anything up the rear end, just b/c it was written in a contract.

    contracts are crap .. they mean nothing. Many of them don't hold up in a court, despite what they say. They are intentionally written in a manner to screw the consumer. They do this for as long as they can, until a court or a law tells them otherwise.

    you deserve all the ******** these corporations are feeding you.

    losers ....

    I'm going to plug in my phone, and let netflix run for the next 4 hours, as a nice big FU to AT&T, and all you uncle tom's.

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  • Piggie
    Apr 28, 09:44 AM
    I just think Apple is making a mistake by not making some low end machines.

    I know many here go OMG SHOCK HORROR about anything not made from Aluminium and Unicorn Horn Dust, but in reality, it would pay them, long term to make some nice looking plastic low end machines.

    You can make plastic and metal trim things still have a nice finish.

    Families walk into stores in the UK, I'm not sure about the US and look at the vast, and I mean VAST array of nice, in their mind, looking PC Laptops, perhaps to buy one for the wife, or one for the kids at school. They may walk past the small Apple table, see the near �1000 price tag, and think, yeah, right, like we're going to get one of those. I could get two good spec'd windows Laptops for that price.

    I know people here will disagree as many are in a different wage bracket to "normal consumers" but I can tell you, most people are not going to throw down a grand for a computer for the kids to take to school.

    As the only REAL difference between a PC and a Mac these days is the OS it's running, there is no reason Apple could not make a laptop directly at the price point of a medium to low end Windows laptop and then, people may buy them, and perhaps get used to OS X and in years to come go for an iMac.

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  • megfilmworks
    Oct 8, 11:02 AM
    When pigs fly.

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  • samcraig
    Mar 18, 08:24 AM
    If you are currently on an unlimited plan, sorry - you can't complain about this new development. You agreed to TOS which stated clearly what you could and could not do with your data. Unlimited data is for PHONE use - not for other devices you can hook up to. ATT and other carrier's bandwidth isn't meant to support as many devices as you want on your unlimited plan.

    Now... that being said...

    Those who are on a 2gb, or whatever LIMITED plan - should be able to do whatever you want with your data. You've paid for a set allotment - and whether you use that on your phone or elsewhere doesn't matter.

    There's a clear distinction between unlimited and capped in terms of what you are ENTITLED to or not.

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  • paul4339
    Apr 28, 01:07 PM
    Well it doesn't matter what you think either then! :p

    And that's a stupid argument, I'm pretty sure 99% of people on this forum understood what I meant when I said, a computer shouldn't need a computer to be usable. :rolleyes:

    I could be wrong, but I don't think that was his point... I think he meant it doesn't matter if you think it should be part of the shipment market share report or not.

    That is, I think his point is even if it's not considered a computer, the report is just showing what people are buying (where the market is heading)

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  • manu chao
    Mar 19, 12:10 PM
    Same logic: if I take someone else's car, and drive away with it, I'm stealing it. But if I create an identical copy of the car (using a replicator I got from Star Trek) for myself, have I stolen anything? From whom have I stolen?

    If you go to a concert, theatre play, any kind of performance or into any of fee-charging class or course and smuggle yourself in through some kind of backdoor without paying for the ticket or the course, did you steal anything?

    Not according to your logic.

    Should this behaviour be allowed?

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  • jeff1977
    Apr 9, 12:14 AM
    Apple doesn't care what you plug into the 30 pin adapter. Go here (http://www.itechnews.net/tag/iphone-controller/) to see all kinds of button-rich controllers for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. Some plug into the connector and some operate the game over wifi, and one allows both methods. Before commenting, let Google be your friend. :)

    By all kinds did you mean 'all three'? That's all there is on your link. Before exaggerating, let being realistic be your friend. :)

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  • MovieCutter
    Apr 12, 10:59 PM
    You guys are all failing to realize that it's not the software that makes a great editor. This release gives us full time editors render capability that we've been wanting for years, multicore awareness, slick timeline editing capabilities, etc. It's not going to change our final product, just give us a slicker way to get there.

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  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 24, 10:07 AM
    I did address the cannon fodder issue in another thread. The military uses psycological tools like ceremony and symbolism to "honor and glorify" it's dead as motivational tools. Religion may have been used in the past but in a military system composed of so many disparate religions, it would be difficult to use religious motivation these days in any meaningful ways. Perhaps since the US military is made up primarily of black (Baptist) and Hispanic (Catholic) soldiers, it's easier to use religious motivation on them. As I said, from my personal experience, religion is not a motivational force in a modern army.

    That's true. I think, though, if anything, the hatred of another religion was a pretty strong motivational force in the US armed forces since 9/11. Especially right after, when many people joined up to fight the Muslims who attacked the USA.

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  • shaun319
    Apr 14, 05:46 AM
    screen maximizing is an annoyance on mac

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  • DavidCar
    Sep 12, 05:49 PM
    So what is this thing, anyway? Is it a MacMini with a Merom chip and a different set of I/O ports running a special version of OSX? Can I plug an ElGato Hybrid into the USB port, download some ElGato software to it, and use it to watch TV? Can I telnet into it? I've seen no indication if it does or does not have a hard drive.

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  • Macinposh
    Oct 26, 04:36 AM
    No Way -- We had activity monitor open -- Photoshop used an average of 72% off ALL FOUR PROCESSORS.

    Wow. You must be using some uber version of PS.
    I havent managed to break 110% whatever I am doing with my MP.
    You have the CS 3 or 4?

    We did use safari at the same time to download a template for the art book (250 MG) and we had a DVD ripping via Mac the Ripper as well.

    Have you tought that that might be the reason for the high cpu usage? Eh? By any coincidence?

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  • DelisleBA.info
    Apr 12, 10:38 PM
    And so is this new version $299 which is a deal compared to the $999 for FCS. Heck MSRP on FCE is $199 so with a student discount this new version is very reasonably priced. Which leads me to think this is probably a stand alone app and it does not include all the goodies of FCS like DVD Studio Pro, Compressor, etc..

    Is this correct thinking?

    And if so does this mean that FCS will be broke into apps? How much for the other apps?

    Hurry up and wait, the apple way.

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  • kingtj
    Sep 26, 11:23 AM
    I think he was probably just trying to say the same thing I've been saying about my new Mac Pro too. The OS and apps need to do some catching-up so we can fully utilize what we paid for!

    Right now, the hardware is *way* ahead of the software in most respects. (We're still waiting another year for major apps like MS Office and Adobe Photoshop to go universal binary - much less see them coded for optimal use of a 4 or 8-core machine!)

    You could argue that "I should have just bought an iMac." I suppose, but show me an iMac with a graphics card like the ATI X1900XT 512MB in it, or the ability to hold multiple internal hard drives. These are features I expect from any desktop system I use as my primary computer. I also already owned a perfectly good Dell 24" LCD panel, so didn't really want to buy a machine with the display built-in.

    Are you trying to say that you spent to much for a computer and should have bought an iMac? What do you do with your computer. Web and email or editing HD video?

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  • JasperJanssen
    Apr 30, 02:52 AM
    Surprise. The major enterprise players take the top three spots.

    Since when is Acer an enterprise player and Lenovo not?

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  • Th3Crow
    Apr 28, 09:00 AM
    Agree. Too bad the iMac never took off in the enterprise sector. I remember when I was going to the university in the 90's I saw plenty of macs all around campus. Now the times I've gone all I see are Dell's, and HP's.

    I don't know what you're talking about. I work at a university, and I have watched as Macs have become more and more abundant. It used to be that one only saw Macs in niche programs, like Music or Film Studies. Now, one in three commerce and MBA students have MacBook Pros. Half of the Engineering profs have Mac laptops, and about a third of those students. Macs have exploded in the last 10 years, almost exponentially.

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  • citizenzen
    Mar 14, 07:34 PM
    The equation has to be considered in its entirety.

    Did they attack your reading comprehension skills too?

    The meanies. :(

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  • topicolo
    Jul 11, 10:27 PM
    Sounds like these new Mac Pros are going to be expensive.

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  • mahonmeister
    Oct 25, 10:51 PM
    I just got my mac pro a month and a half ago.

    And you shall continue to enjoy it. Like Arn has stated, this likely isn't replacing any current configurations, just adding to them.

    This seems really exciting. All these cores are gonna pump out some serious power. Now if they could just mash together that processor that IBM made at like 50GHz (I think they cooled it with dry ice or something) with a multi core processor they'd have something! Bring it.

    May 2, 09:28 AM
    You're awfully sensitive about this issue, chief.

    When things a blown out of proportions.

    Apr 12, 10:15 PM
    They should have just called this iMovie pro, because that's what it is. So, Apple Color is left to die the death of Shake, huh? Wow, crazy. I bet Avid is pretty thrilled with this. It's almost like they said "Let's leave the big installs to Avid"

    Apple OC
    Apr 24, 12:58 PM
    Why do you think the concept of the afterlife began? Because of fear of death.

    I do not believe it is the fear of death ... I have never met a religious person that spoke of the fear of death ... it is the afterlife that gets them all giddy.

    Apr 9, 02:33 PM
    Edit: Post too long. I doubt anyone would read it. :D

    Sep 20, 01:00 PM
    I doubt that. The decoding will take place in iTV. How are you going to install codecs on it? If it does not support it out of the box, it probably will not be possible.

    That's why I'm ripping my DVDs in H.264/AAC instead of the ever-popular DivX/Xvid or any other AVI/Quicktime nightmare. Too many CODECs.


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