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Mv Agusta Brutale 910r

Mv Agusta Brutale 910r. 2008 MV Agusta Brutale 910R
  • 2008 MV Agusta Brutale 910R

  • shawnce
    Aug 2, 12:36 PM
    Why is everybody so hung up on the Cinema Displays getting iSight or a new design?? :confused:
    A much more important update would be for Apple to add HDMI support. Without this, you can forget about watching the latest Blue-Ray HD features on your display in full res. Ofcourse this means HDMI compliant Video cards too...

    Actually UDI (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Display_Interface) is a little more likely at least in the near future (HDMI isn't really designed for computer displays, HDMI just had to low of bandwidth for large/high DPI displays).

    Unified Display Interface Technology Overview (pdf) (http://www.udisig.org/news_events/idf_s06_udisig.pdf)

    Also last I read the degrading of video output resolution for non-HDMI display (actually HDCP) isn't being leveraged by content providers at this point in time (just to many HD display in the market without proper support)...

    HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc players will allow content providers to set an Image Constraint Token (ICT) flag that will only output full-resolution signals using HDCP. If such a player is connected to a non-HDCP-enabled television set and the content is flagged, the player will output a downsampled 960x540p signal. Most high-definition television sets currently in use in the United States are not HDCP-capable, and this would initially negate some of the key benefits of HD-DVD and Blu-ray for those consumers. Movie studios are apparently in agreement to not include the ICT flag on any HD DVDs or Blu-ray Discs until at least or possibly even 2012.[1](source (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-Bandwidth_Digital_Content_Protection#Uses))

    Mv Agusta Brutale 910r. MV Agusta R910 Brutale
  • MV Agusta R910 Brutale

  • -aggie-
    May 5, 09:24 AM

    When he is in his lair, in the presence of the Artifact, the Villain can:

    1) summon and place one or more new monster to any empty room(s), provided he has the required turns/points. Bigger and badder monsters cost more points. Once a monster is assigned to a room, it can never be moved elsewhere or otherwise removed by the villain.

    2) build one or more new trap and place it in any empty room, including already explored ones, provided he has enough points. Bigger and more painful traps cost more points.

    1 and 2 can be combined in one turn, provided enough points are available

    3) heal himself (1 HP per 1 point)

    from any position he can

    4) move to another room (similar to the heroes, each room he moves through consumes one turn)

    5) wait and earn 1 turn/point. The villain can instead decide (active communication to the GM) to wait and collect points, which can then be used to summon monsters or build traps (to do this he has to go back to the Lair).

    he can wait for as many consecutive turns he likes, in which no other actions are performed by the villain.

    Mv Agusta Brutale 910r. BRUTALE 910R
  • BRUTALE 910R

  • Genetheninja
    Mar 29, 05:35 PM
    Originally Posted by iliketyla
    Yeah you bring up a good point. I can't imagine assembling iPods is the most engaging activity ever, and most Americans would probably scoff at the kind of labor they seem to think is below them.

    Kind of similar to when they raise an uproar about illegal immigrants taking all the jobs away, when they wouldn't be caught dead doing the kind of work some immigrants do.

    At 10% unemployment, I don't know many people who would scoff at a job these days.

    And, it isn't that illegal immigrants do jobs that people "wouldn't be caught dead doing" -- it's that they do jobs that people wouldn't be caught dead doing for below minimum wage. There are plenty of Americans who would pick fruit or clean buildings for a fair wage -- they just don't get the opportunity because an immigrant will do the job for cash at poverty wages.

    Hammer, meet nail head. I'm an American, and unfortunately I must agree with iliketyla's assessment. There is this incredible sense of entitlement that has pervaded American culture. So many people want at least $20 per hour, but [insert deity or lack of one here] forbid they should lift more than two pounds.

    Enter the illegal immigrants, who find the pay good enough to live on, not to mention the location, location, location. Hmm... $5 an hour harvesting lettuce heads for hours on end, or dodging drug-cartel bullets in Ciudad Juarez day and night. Not too tough a decision for me, and IMHO one worth the risk of getting caught by US border police.

    I'm sorry but that my friend is bull $#hit. Not every migrant worker lives on the border. Here in Michigan our economy thrives on legals and illegals from Mexico picking blueberries and it's not by the hour. You get paid based on how much you pick. I did it when I was a kid for extra money and I'm a white American. You can make good money if you're fast but if you're lazy and slow you're not going to make much. It's not slave wages. The harder you work the more you make. A lot of those immagrants drive sport cars. I see a lot of people out there sitting on their A$$ getting their "check" from unemployment when they could be out there getting their hands dirty and making some money.
    You should watch the movie "A day without a Mexican".
    The fact is that if every migrant worker was deported our economy would completely collapse overnight because a lot of it depends on agriculture.
    Another fact is that you see a lot of whites working at American Eagle and Abercrombie but how many work out in the fields? At least a few days a week while they look for another job??

    Mv Agusta Brutale 910r. rutale 910 r
  • rutale 910 r

  • whiteblooder
    Mar 30, 01:07 AM
    to weep too much for a company that chooses to do business overseas isntead of here in America, employing Americans.Why produce something for more money and less efficiently when it can be done better and cheaper elsewhere? This however are drastically improving though, not sure if we (Americans) could produce all of these things with taxes, restrictions, trade barriers etc.

    Mv Agusta Brutale 910r. Marque : MV Agusta
  • Marque : MV Agusta

  • SilentLoner
    Apr 20, 04:33 AM
    I will probably update, just because I can lol Might update to the iPad2 then too

    Mv Agusta Brutale 910r. rutale mv agusta
  • rutale mv agusta

  • Chuck
    Jul 22, 01:17 AM
    Geez!!! The Intel Imac has been out since what Janurary? Should the Imac not be the next to upgrade? Will it go with Conroe or Meron? Maybe a better videocard?

    I'm with you -X-

    Doesn't the iMac use the same intel chip as the MBP? Why all the hoohah about an impending MBP release, when it might also mean an upgrade for the iMac - which hasn't been bumped since it's announcement in Jan?

    Now before I'm lambarsted because the iMac is not a 'pro' machine, I am a professional graphic designer and I am in the market for one.

    Bring on the merom iMac! :cool:


    Mv Agusta Brutale 910r. MV Agusta - Brutale 750/910
  • MV Agusta - Brutale 750/910

  • blevins321
    May 4, 02:57 PM
    They need to allow for updates via App Store that don't require full redownload of the software before they can make it exclusive. Especially in today's age of capping home internet usage (biggest croc ever conceived), smaller updates need to be possible. Perfect example: XCode.

    Mv Agusta Brutale 910r. #39;06 MV Agusta Brutale 910
  • #39;06 MV Agusta Brutale 910

  • prady16
    Sep 15, 08:35 PM
    Just seeing soooooo many people 'painfully' waiting for the Merom MBP, i think we should start a Merom MBP club as soon as we start receiving them!

    Btw, how many days does it take for the new MBPs to arrive in the Apple showrooms from the time they are announced?

    Mv Agusta Brutale 910r. 5.2008 MV Agusta Brutale 1078
  • 5.2008 MV Agusta Brutale 1078

  • JoshH
    Sep 10, 11:08 PM
    Here's to new living room hardware... and I'm actually in the market. Fingers crossed.

    Mv Agusta Brutale 910r. MV Agusta Brutale 910 Desktop
  • MV Agusta Brutale 910 Desktop

  • hotrock3
    Mar 30, 01:49 AM
    Well, the percentage of suicides is a lot smaller in Foxconn employees than in the US population.

    wired had an article about this a couple months back. The suicide rate at the Foxconn plant is lower than the suicide rate in the rest of the Chinese population (possibly lower even than in the US, I can't remember the article exactly).

    by mass rates you mean lower than the national average? :rolleyes:

    I'm glad that there are people out there who did the research to find out if it was really that bad compared to other places like I did.

    I hope you know that cell phones emit radiation.

    Although you are factually correct since a cell phone does emit non-ionizing radiation in the form of electromagnetic radiation, I think the original poster was implying that they had a distaste for ionizing radiation which is hazardous and does cause cancer in large enough doses.

    Mv Agusta Brutale 910r. MV Agusta Brutale 910
  • MV Agusta Brutale 910

  • NY Guitarist
    Apr 21, 03:24 PM
    You'd think they'd want maybe to put more capabilities into expanding the GPU power to help with OpenCL and GCD - we'll see, but wouldn't a Mac Pro mountable rack or a new Xserve version want this?

    Hell yeah.. :cool:

    Mv Agusta Brutale 910r. For Sale: MV Agusta Brutale
  • For Sale: MV Agusta Brutale

  • balamw
    Apr 9, 08:35 PM

    I like this young geeky woman:

    There is a new mnemonic featured in Danica McKellar's books Math Doesn't Suck[2] and Kiss My Math[3] that does address this very issue: "Pandas Eat: Mustard on Dumplings, and Apples with Spice." The intention being that Mustard and Dumplings is a "dinner course" and that Apples and Spice is a "dessert course." Then it becomes not a linear string of operations to do one after the other, but rather the "dinner course" operations are considered together and performed left to right, and then addition and subtraction are considered together, again performed again left to right.


    Mv Agusta Brutale 910r. #39;06 MV Agusta Brutale 910
  • #39;06 MV Agusta Brutale 910

  • MistaBungle
    Mar 30, 05:53 PM
    I really hope they deploy some form of full screen iTunes in this build. Would be nice to see.

    Mv Agusta Brutale 910r. 2008 MV Agusta Brutale 910S
  • 2008 MV Agusta Brutale 910S

  • balamw
    Apr 10, 07:33 PM
    Didn't all your methods, whatever they are called, give a priority to do the parenthesis operation first?
    It is not my assumption, it is the method/explanation given by others

    I already took that into account. Can't you see?

    48/2(12) is something we should all be able to agree on. anything in parentheses must be evaluated before anything else.

    x/y(a+b) becomes x/y(c). That's the P in PEMDAS and it's done. At this point there are only multiply and divide operations left. This is just x/y*c which should be evaluated left to right. Because it is indistinguishable from x*d*c = x*(1/y)*c. I can commute operands to get x*c*(1/y) and rewrite that as xc/y should I want to.


    Mv Agusta Brutale 910r. MV AGUSTA BRUTALE 910R: SAVAGE

  • Plutonius
    May 6, 06:00 PM
    Why not have everyone leave this dead end?

    Everyone will but we can get back to the starting room quicker using "Don't Panic's" plan of having you in a separate group.

    Mv Agusta Brutale 910r. MV Agusta Brutale 910/1078
  • MV Agusta Brutale 910/1078

  • iGuy
    Nov 26, 12:29 PM
    although the 8" from previous rumours may be a tad small

    I've been looking for something that is more practical (read larger) than a Palm Pilot but smaller than a small (read 12 inch) notebook.

    Essentially I'm looking for a larger PDA. One that I can use with a bluetooth keyboard. I don't need it to be a fully powered notebook and at around $3,000 UPCs are far too expensive.

    Something around $300 to $700 canadian, taxes in would be about right. I also don't need it to be a phone. I like my RAZR.

    Just my $0.02 CAD.


    Mv Agusta Brutale 910r. Spark silencers for MV Agusta
  • Spark silencers for MV Agusta

  • mandis
    Aug 2, 02:02 PM
    How about this for WWDC:

    --Talk about how great the switch to Intel is going
    --Praise developers work on Universal apps
    --Talk about pro software
    --Sit down and preview Leopard
    --Talk about new Core 2 Duo
    --Oh, by the way the iMac I have been using has the new Core 2 Duo

    Mv Agusta Brutale 910r. Mv Agusta Brutale 910 S
  • Mv Agusta Brutale 910 S

  • jwp1964
    Jul 22, 09:50 PM
    Does this current set of chips include some very low power consumption chips for use in the Apple ultra-portable I want so badly?:confused:

    Mv Agusta Brutale 910r. mv agusta brutale challenge
  • mv agusta brutale challenge

  • geese
    Nov 22, 04:27 AM
    [QUOTE=Macrumors;3080145"We've learned and struggled for a few years here figuring out how to make a decent phone,'' he said. "PC guys are not going to just figure this out. They're not going to just walk in.'' .[/QUOTE]

    I remember the head of Atari saying something similar about Sony's Playstation.

    Jul 30, 12:23 PM
    The latest iPod firmware has references to phone signal strength etc.
    Apple purchased a very large data center capable of uplink/downlink communications a few months ago.
    Oppenheimer alluded to Apple working on a cell phone in the Q3 conference call.

    I'd say the evidence is there for a "type" of cell phone coming soon from Apple.

    Aug 4, 05:31 AM
    (Sorry but my english is only valid to read, not to write...)

    por aqu� en Espa�a tambi�n estamos como locos esperando los nuevos merom aunque seamos realistas, coincido con los compa�eros que dicen que hasta que f�sicamente no dispongan de los nuevos MBP no los van a anunciar ya que Jobs no puede permitirse perder tanto dinero (la gente esperar�a por el nuevo si lo anuncia en la WWDC)

    So I think the new MBP with merom is not going to appear the 7th because jobs would lost a lot of buyers waiting for the meroms, you know, If someone tells you that in a month you are going to have a new processor, sure you are not going to buy the "obsolet model". Anyway I still dreaming each nigth with a merom MBP...

    What's even worse is people just "give up" and buy MBs instead of MBPs, seeing as to how there are so few differences between the two. That takes them right out of the market for the next 2-3 years and Apple could have shilled them for a high margin MBP sale.

    Mar 29, 11:56 AM
    Why not just use an app that lets you stream from your computer at home? why pay for online storage when you already have it?

    they expect most people to use it from an android phone with very little local storage. and they already built out AWS over the last few years and this is just monetizing some of the extra capacity they have. they are probably using single instance storage for the music so it's not like there are going to be thousands of copies of every song on their servers

    Sep 11, 03:17 PM
    Its a sign !!

    btw, my first post too, been using the forum for buing advice for about a year, as long as I've had a mac. Now sold my iBook and awaiting MEROM MBPs

    Where are you gouys seeing this?

    Mar 30, 01:07 AM
    to weep too much for a company that chooses to do business overseas isntead of here in America, employing Americans.Why produce something for more money and less efficiently when it can be done better and cheaper elsewhere? This however are drastically improving though, not sure if we (Americans) could produce all of these things with taxes, restrictions, trade barriers etc.


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