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  • 4God
    Sep 6, 12:15 PM
    LIMITED SUPPLY of Merom for the first few months. mini will be the last to get C2D probably in November. But you've gotta give kudos to Apple for adopting the Merom Spec Yonahs into the mini right away. This way the switch to Merom in mini can be almost silent with no disruption to the flow of minis to the market.

    Looks like it is still Yonah for now:

    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Apple has updated the Mac Mini to include all Core Duo models. Other than the processor upgrade, there does not appear to be any differences between the previous Mac Mini and today's release. The Mac Mini is available in two offerings:

    1.66 GHz Mac Mini
    60 GB 5400-rpm SATA Hard Drive
    Combo Drive

    1.83 GHz Mac Mini
    80 GB 5400-rpm SATA Hard Drive

    Both models feature:
    -2MB Shared L2 Cache
    -512 MB 667 MHz DDR2 RAM standard (up to 2 GB supported)
    -GMA 950 Integrated graphics
    -1 Firewire 400, 4 USB 2.0
    -Optical Digital/Analog Audio In/Out
    -Gigabit ethernet
    -Airport Extreme and Bluetooth 2.0+EDR standard

    Of note, the Mac Mini still uses Core Duo (Yonah), not the more advanced Core 2 Duo "Merom" chip found in today's iMac announcements (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060906091309.shtml).

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  • JoeG4
    Jan 11, 04:56 PM
    I love these cars, i looked at the SRT8 model with the Hemi but UK + V8 = Bankrupt lol


    Thanks for the kudos, and to the rental dude too. :D The V8 is easy to get spoiled by, with all that power on tap. Too bad about the UK gas prices though, I think I agree with you!

    The euro dudes on the 300c board used to make me jealous about their CRD with that high gas mileage Mercedes diesel, I've heard it gets in the realm of 30-35mpg (brit gallons, of course). Holy crap! That's practically Honda Civic (with gas engine) territory! Unfortunately, the CRD engine can be a headache as far as reliability is concerned. (or so I've heard)

    I haven't been in a v6 300 in a very long time though, heh. Cheers!

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  • CplBadboy
    Apr 19, 01:16 PM

    The news Ive been waiting for and not a blinking boring update to the iPhone being white. Maxed out iMac here we come. Its been long time coming. Happy Chappy:D

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  • twoodcc
    Feb 17, 10:15 PM
    That is too bad, I am trying to get ssh to work on one of my ubuntu boxes from wich I hope to be able to administer the other systems.

    It's called Murphy's law - whatever can go wrong will go wrong... especially when you can't do anything about it.

    Thanks. maybe I'll be 10 mil by the end of the month :D

    thanks. i really can't figure out what happened.

    good for you :)

    hey, what ppd are you averaging for you mac pro and i7?

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  • Gatesbasher
    Apr 3, 12:56 PM
    wow an ipad 2 being used in the dark and it doesnt leak light! where can i buy one?;)

    LOL! "Light bleed" was yesterday's talking point! Better check your instructions for this morning and get with the program.

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  • ZipZap
    May 3, 04:50 AM
    i bought my first ever ipad last week............

    today while working on my macbook i touched its screen to flick through pictures...... amazing how easily we transform?

    Took 5 versions of the iphone, 1 version of the ipad and a s-load of developers to get here.

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  • Walpaper Keren i Phone

  • iScott428
    Mar 25, 03:52 PM
    The Future of video games? This looks awesome, and works great with a racing game that can show you the course on the iPad. Just wish I could run this on my Original Ipad :(
    Will this work over Airplay with the Apple TV, obviously in 720p?

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  • oracle_ab
    Apr 27, 10:15 AM
    However, using the term app store to relate to any type of software market will lead to confusion between generic app stores and Apple's App Store - which makes it a trademark violation.

    No one is going to confuse MS Windows with the windows in your house.

    Depends, really. "Windows" can be relevant to an OS or GUIs where both relate to computers, but one can be more specific in saying that an OS underlies a GUI, thus they're two different aspects of software. One could be talking about GUIs and still say "My computer has windows." Point being, how much grey area is general vs. narrowing down to the nitty-gritty of what the trademark involves? That being said, I'm saying Apple should be granted a trademark on "App Store," but folks like us shouldn't be in violation of anything if we refer to others' stores as "app stores." That is, laypersons can do this, but two companies cannot. Thing is, if the specifics of Apple's trademark request involves a digital/electronic store-front for selling digital applications, blah blah blah, it's fine that other business shouldn't refer to theirs w/ any form of that term w/in their digital/electronic store-fronts. BlackBerry Appworld is different enough from Apple's "App Store," where Amazon's "appstore" is just too close to Apple's.

    Just like Knight, I think we're saying the same thing, but maybe we're just coming across from different poles. That's not to say that we're in agreement on whether Apple should or shouldn't have the term trademarked, but that we understand what's all involved with trademarks, their usage, etc.

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  • andrew.gw
    Apr 1, 06:15 PM
    Mail now shows "No Message Selected", which is much nicer than the empty white area from the last version; "Mail Activity" looks nicer as well. I've also noticed that the "Noteworthy" font from iOS 4.3 is present in this version of Lion.

    kumpulan wallpaper keren. KUMPULAN WALLPAPER WINDOWS 8

  • AhmedFaisal
    Apr 12, 02:10 PM
    I don't think people are pumping it up at all. I personally think that people who can't drive a standard transmission, are just lazy (and that goes for my mother, and her habit of doing her makeup while driving). People only get autos, because they don't want to have to "inconvenience" themselves with pushing down on the clutch and throwing the car into the next gear; because doing so requires them to stop shoving food down their face, or to get of the damn phone. I also hate to hear people moan about how inconvenient a standard transmission is during stop and go traffic; I mean it's not that bad, and I recently took my standard transmission accord to chicago and drove in stop and go traffic for over two hours, and it was not as annoying as some would make it out to be. People are just too willing to sacrifice the fun of driving for convenience.

    Wow, generalize much? I want to see you talk after being a rep for a while or with a 1.5 hour commute (one way) like I have now in the New York area. During my sales tour of duty I literally lived in the car for 14-16 hours a day and yes, I did take phone calls (via hands free) and ate/drank while driving. There wasn't much of a choice, only time you could eat and drink was between calls and if you rep onc products you have a lot of driving to do to get from call to call. And right now it's the same. Eating breakfast and dinner in the car saves me at least an hour each day for sleep and I don't get much as it is since I am booking 12-14 hour days on average.
    Yeah, I can drive stick and if I can ever afford a fun car for driving on the weekend, I might get a manual again but for everyday commute I take an auto any day. For me driving is a chore right now, there is no fun to be had considering how much I drive each day.

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  • musicpyrite
    Apr 4, 05:18 PM
    Never!!! Fight the Man!!!
    Long live Apple and its 5% market share.

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  • Tobi+uchiha+wallpaper

  • iBorg20181
    Oct 24, 01:43 AM
    Which is all the more reason to be fairly sure a C2D update is imminent. And we probably shouldn't expect too much from this update...

    I'm expecting Apple to have addressed cooling issues through better heatsinks combined with better fan control software, possibly better fans too. The 160GB HD should be added as a CTO option as it's available for the Mini, but don't expect any change to the overall design or a new HD bay. Possibly faster DVD writers, but don't expect DL support for the 15" MBP or MB. Just about everything else that people keep wishing for is probably out of the question until a major overhaul takes place.

    Sure hope you're wrong about the MBP HD bay, which is, IMHO, a major design flaw in current MBP design! :eek:

    I'm not expecting a major redesign, but if they're changing things to address the current heat problem, hopefully they'll throw in a few extras! Bigger HD BTO options should be a given (why the hell has Apple held out for this long! 120GB max in a BTO is inexcusable!), and hopefully they'll have a faster superdrive (8x), even if DL DVD-burning can't be squeezed in.

    Well, we'll hopefully see in a little over 7 hours!



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  • bushido
    Apr 2, 10:34 AM
    command + forward slash ;)



    safari got some fixes to it seems, scrolling works smoother and doesn't get stuck on pages with lots of pics or vids and the error with not being able to type anything unless u close safari seems to be fixed as well.

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  • flyfish29
    Mar 26, 04:13 PM
    its my understanding that apple made this browser BEFORE MSIE was pulled from the mac. M$ pulled IE because they believed Safari was better and faster and could better serve the mac. it was also part of a marketing plan by M$ to remove IE as a stand alone browser from Win and Mac. Think before you post and do your homework. The rest of use don't want to read something that's not true or thot out.

    Yes, Apple made this browser before M$ IE was pulled, but it was obvious that M$ would be pulling it long before they announced it. With the integratioin of IE into windows it was only a matter of time and if Apple had waited until the announcement they would have been so far behind that the mainstream would have suffered. Safari is just now getting up to speed on its accessability to most web pages- and I even still have major accessability problems with some financial pages and registering at some other types of pages. Most people don't know about the alternative browsers out there such as Mozilla, etc. so it would have proved devestating to Apple had they not been on the ball with Safari. They just know netscape, IE and now safari. I think iMac-Japan's comment on this particular issue is partly true as is your Calebj14.

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  • Peterson8765
    Sep 18, 10:49 PM
    Nope, it's those 99 cents silicone case from HK!

    What is HK?

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  • gambar dan wallpaper keren

  • sunfast
    Aug 24, 06:23 PM
    One day I'll buy a mini - they look so sweet. And with a C2D they'll go sweet too!

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  • miamiracing
    Jan 27, 08:08 AM
    here my G


    of course i got it fully loaded with Bose Sound etc.

    on the far left in the snow last night


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  • KOG merilis 3 wallpaper

  • vvv
    Nov 28, 08:25 PM
    Which is a big distraction from the point? And what is the point? That the XBox is a bad analogy. It is best to consider their Windows CE->Smartphone one to see that the Zune is a bad idea. The only thing we can learn from the XBox and Microsoft is that Microsoft pees on their partners (NVidia) at the earliest opportunity. But we already knew that as soon as the Zune didn't support Plays For Sure.

    MS never made a smartphone, they make the windows mobile software that runs on others hardware. The xbox is ms hardware and software, just like the zune. It's a entertainment market, just like the xbox, windows mobile software isn't in the entertainment market. There are far more direct comparisons between zune and xbox than between windows mobile and zune. As for peeing on their partners, what's new, I think we all know they don't play nice, instead they play to win.

    kumpulan wallpaper keren. KOG merilis 3 wallpaper
  • KOG merilis 3 wallpaper

  • roland.g
    Aug 30, 12:42 PM
    $100 off from $949 down to $849
    IMO, not worth it.

    Apr 2, 07:07 PM
    Juxtaposition of medical apps to a simple preschool numbers trace shows the broad appeal and power. Sorry competitors, if you think this is just about a web browser on a tablet you clearly have no vision. Apple is yet again skating to where the puck is going.

    Also - Peter Coyote's voice always adds gravitas.

    Apr 26, 02:01 PM
    i think the word app store in it self is generic, mainly since app is just short for application which is just another word for a program. but then again most people didn't use the word app or even applications widely enough until apple started using it, and instead used the more generic 'program'.

    The only trademark apple is entitled to should be iAppstore especially since they chose to call their book store iBookstore instead of just 'Book Store'

    Everyone should just blame Microsoft for having a "Add or Remove Programs" instead of a "Add or Remove Applications" in their control panel. :rolleyes:
    that way applications or apps would have been a more generic term.

    Sep 14, 03:36 PM
    Well if the US had a decent 3G network, then there would be no problem, like the REST OF THE WORLD!!!! No issues here in OZ!!

    Oct 14, 10:49 PM
    @generik: You're forgetting the much bigger and FASTER HD. I've gotten curious and tried OS X on my windows box too. To be honest it simply kills the Mini. Having 1 GB RAM over 512 MB and a nice, fast HD really helps alot. The box is much snappier, eventhough it has only an Athlon 64, no dual core like the Mini has. Of course anything that requires graphics card support won't run or runs slow, but other than that it boots much quicker, reacts faster, starts programs way faster, ... So I guess the iMac will be quite a bit faster than the Mini because of its HD.
    Perhaps I'll try OS X on my Windows/Linux box with 512 MB to compare.

    Ps: The Mini looks much better though :D And is so silent. And small. I like it :D But it's so painfully slow... I'm running Rosetta@Home though, that eats quite a lot of RAM. Without its zippier, until I manage to fill up the RAM (which is very easy though).

    Jul 14, 11:13 AM
    I went to my local MicroCenter a few days ago & saw BluRay movies (XXX, Underworld: Evolution, Hitch, and 1 or 2 more) so there ARE movies out for it. Each was worth $29.99 USD so they're gonna be expensive.
    Yup... there are BD movies (about 10) and HD DVD movies (about 30) available now. The pricing is about $20-30 dollars each. (Not bad, in my opinion.)

    The HD DVD group promo site (http://www.thelookandsoundofperfect.com/) has listed all the LOTR and all the Matrix movies as announced. I wouldn't mind picking up those (hopefully by the end of the year.) Hopefully it's not just marketing "carrot on a stick".



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