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Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper

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  • yg17
    Mar 22, 01:38 PM
    Our Founding Fathers believed in God, proof alone is the pledge of allegiance "under god". Yes our country was founded on christian belief. Hate to say it, but it's true!

    As for the invisible man in the sky I have no clue to what you are referring.

    Under god was added to the pledge in the 50s because we were scared of the Russians. Nevermind the fact that the Pledge was written in 1892, long after the Founding Fathers died.

    What else you got?

    LMAO...Yes that's it, I don't meet age requirements!

    Maybe we're just confused how someone who claims to be a director of IT (and presumably takes some college to become) can fail so hard at basic history.

    Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper. Ford-Focus RS 2009 800x600
  • Ford-Focus RS 2009 800x600

  • kainjow
    Aug 16, 02:08 PM
    The only wireless I want to see in an iPod is Bluetooth for wireless syncing to your computer, and that could be done with a special dock. Other than that, it's pointless and just sucks battery power.

    Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper. 2009 Ford Focus RS
  • 2009 Ford Focus RS

  • eenu
    Jan 1, 05:14 PM
    doesn't seem like there is much to get excited about!

    Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper. Ford Focus RS 2009 Wallpapers
  • Ford Focus RS 2009 Wallpapers

  • paulsecic
    Jul 19, 05:38 PM
    and the train kept 'a rollin', all night long.
    I'm about ready to buy a 20" iMac but I want the new OS. How long do I have to wait?

    Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper. Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper
  • Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper

  • Baseline
    Nov 15, 12:21 PM
    OK, I'm hardly a programmer (PHP doesn't really count) but that's the exact same description that I've heard applied to the description of what it takes to vectorize a program (i.e. make it Alti-Vec optimized) [that and the process of making loops that can be unrolled]. So I've got to ask, is there some difference between those two concepts? If not, it sure seems like we would have a lot more multi-core enabled apps out there already...

    I'm glad you admit that PHP doesn't count :)

    But to answer your question: There are situations where vectorization and multi-threading/processing are both applicable. However, vectorization *tends* to work on chunks of data that are not dependent on each other, but simliar. Say, you have four integers, and you need to double them all. You could vectorize that, and it'd be a lot cheaper that spawning additional threads to do each multiplication.

    However, take Word for example. I don't know how it works, but let's assume that the main editor is one thread, and the real-time spell/grammar checker is a separate thread. Those two tasks are not at all the same, so you couldn't vectorize that, but you could very easily multi-thread it.

    To bring it back to my cake example, let's say you had to crack four eggs. It would make sense to vectorize that, crack all four at the same time. But then let's say you have to crack one egg, pour 500ml of milk, and measure 250g of flour. You wouldn't vectorize that, you'd multi-thread it.

    Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper. It is Ford#39;s time to share a
  • It is Ford#39;s time to share a

  • bommai
    Nov 30, 12:02 AM
    I think iTV will have the feature of showing your Keynote presentations right right there, how easy and cool would that be. Never have to sit at a Mac again to show that presentation, just a few click by with the Apple remote. By the way I am surprised I never heard of this on the internet, it just seems logical to me to be added as a feature.
    Anybody got a clue why would iTV include a HD?

    The hard drive is most likely for caching large media files, whether locally or from the internet so that when the user does a rewind or fast forward, the hard drive cache can be used. Flash memory can be used also but it would be better with a hard drive since there is a lot of data and hard drive is still cheaper and also more robust for multiple writes.

    Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper. Ford Focus RS | Automotive
  • Ford Focus RS | Automotive

  • shawnce
    Aug 25, 11:55 AM
    Conroe is cooler than G5, which used the same case.

    Folks need to be careful when making G5 to Conroe/etc. comparisons....

    The PPC 970FX (single core G5 which was in the iMac G5) has a TDP below that of a Conroe.

    The Conroe and Woodcrest have a TDP well below the PPC 970MP (dual core G5) which was used in the later generation PowerMac G5 systems.

    Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper. 2010 Ford Focus RS 360 by Wolf
  • 2010 Ford Focus RS 360 by Wolf

  • sappy1
    Sep 14, 12:35 PM
    I'm glad CR is taking its stand.

    For me, the antenna issue was WORSE than people had reported. It didn't matter where I touched the antenna, the reception was affected.

    True, the bumper completely fixed it, but there is still a problem with the device.

    Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper. 2009-Ford-Focus-Rs-1 C
  • 2009-Ford-Focus-Rs-1 C

  • Primejimbo
    Mar 22, 04:49 PM
    I will just continue to use my iphone as my ipod like everyone else.......

    Sent from my Iphone

    I have a classic and an iPhone....
    I use both and always will

    Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper. 2009 Loder1899 Ford Focus RS
  • 2009 Loder1899 Ford Focus RS

  • rtdunham
    Aug 16, 03:02 PM
    Why couldn't they make ipods with mini solar cells in like calculators?

    well, the iPod's a mobile product and charging wouldn't work with it in pockets or cases. Of course, we could put it on top of those little beanies the geeks wear. ;)

    Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper. About Ford Focus RS by
  • About Ford Focus RS by

  • kellen
    Apr 10, 06:00 PM
    Yeah. Being a guy I was raised that it comes with being a male.

    Kind of sucks because none of my friends know how to drive a manual, so if my car was taken for the night no one else could drive. Ditto for long car rides.

    I feel that coupes should be manual and the rest autos, except for 2 door suvs (wrangler, D90). Just my opinion.

    Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper. Chevrolet 2009 ford focus rs
  • Chevrolet 2009 ford focus rs

  • designed
    Mar 22, 08:23 PM
    Congrats to designed for reaching 1 million.
    Thanks! It didn't take that long after all. I guess folding with a MP is a bit different from folding with a PS3 and a Core Duo :D

    thanks for the links! yes, designed is kicking some butt! i wonder what his times per frame are

    I'm assuming that frame times refer to the steps FahCore reports? If that's the case, they seem to be around the 33 minute mark to do the 1% of the bigadv-package.

    Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper. Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper
  • Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper

  • mealex
    Nov 29, 11:24 PM
    I think iTV will have the feature of showing your Keynote presentations right right there, how easy and cool would that be. Never have to sit at a Mac again to show that presentation, just a few click by with the Apple remote. By the way I am surprised I never heard of this on the internet, it just seems logical to me to be added as a feature.
    Anybody got a clue why would iTV include a HD?

    Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper. Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper
  • Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper

  • marksman
    Apr 21, 03:01 PM
    So somebody sues you for (insert nefarious activity of your choice) and you deny it saying you were nowhere near Location-X at the time. Then, under rules of disclosure, they subpeona your iPhone/iPad/MBP/TC to obtain your data. The data shows you were at least in the vicinity of Location-X and so had the opportunity to perform (aforesaid nefarious activity).

    They can do that anyways. They could subponea the cell phone records and the cell phone company would have the exact same record from the other side. People really don't understand what is going on here when they fly off the handle with these wacky examples.

    The cell phone provider has a log of every cell tower you have visited with your phone. This is often used in legal cases as evidence.

    I agree that the location data should be dumped... every few hours... so the files contain minimal information. Backups should exclude all this location data. I cannot imagine why any application needs to know my location from more than a few hours ago.

    That is because you don't understand what the data is for... It is a database to help assist with the functioning of the device. It is not a log file of places you visited. See you don't even know what the file is for but you are demanding how it should be changed.

    Dumping the file every few hours would make the significant functionality it provides the phone worthless.

    Did you know the future of cellular phones is going to use systems where you are predictably moved to a specific tower based on where they believe you are going as it will help with throughput for data, signal quality, reduced power consumption and overall functionality. Such databases will absolutely be a part of all cell phones going forward. It is part of the technology, part of the functionality.

    If someone steals your phone they might see some of that data, and they might also see the roll of pictures you took at the furry convention.

    Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper. /cars/images/ford-focus-rs
  • /cars/images/ford-focus-rs

  • BC2009
    Mar 25, 04:23 PM
    I knew it didnt support mirroring but thats my bad. I have an iPad 2, but i was told at Apple the hdmi cable won't work with iPad 1. Guess they should read up a little bit.

    Their retail and tech support folks are not too familiar with it yet. You have to do some reading to catch that. I tried the Digital AV Adapter with my iPad-1 and it worked for playing movies -- only problem is my HDMI TV does not support HDCP which means it registers as an unauthorized device to playback fairplay movies -- this TV was made when TV's were first starting to get 1 HDMI input -- still I think they should fix that since my Apple TV does not have a problem with that television.

    Either way, since I have the Apple TV and AirPlay, I can't see using the adapter for that function.

    Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper. Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper
  • Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 17, 08:27 AM
    Very humorous. :)

    I don't quite get your comment. What was humourous about my age exactly ?

    Unless you're driving a ...Honda... gear shifters on modern cars either are too "notchy" or overly-vague in terms of finding a gear, and the result is not very pleasant, especially in city driving.

    Wait what ? Hondas are some of the worst offenders. Their last great shifters hail from the late 90s. Everything ever since has been downhill, at least here in North America.

    We haven't even gotten a Civic Hatchback in the last few years. :( Honda is really turning into Toyota these days, dropping any kind of sporty feel and making point A to B cars and it shows in the driving feeling of those bread boxes. I think it's one of the reasons I switched to Subaru for my last 2 cars.

    Anyway, the Kia my GF bought seems to have very well defined gates. I don't know if it's because the shifter assembly bushings are still brand new (only time will tell) or if it's because the Koreans are trying to pick up the segment Honda/Mazda left behind (young kids that want "sporty" compacts).

    Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper. on the new Ford Focus RS.
  • on the new Ford Focus RS.

  • rasmasyean
    Mar 18, 08:59 AM
    I don't think it (or any of the other times) really had to do much with "democracy" unless it serves the end goal. Secure the oil.

    Lets put it this way.

    If we let Quadafi "win" which he would, by slaughtering or not...heck it's civil war right? They have a right to kill eachother in war and then the loser will face crimes for it as usual.

    If we support the "rebel government", we will get oil favors theoretically from the new regime AND, since we destroyed all Quadafi's high value military assets, we can sell "new and improved" weapons to the new regime.

    As always, I think there's a deep economic angle...but this time, it's almost like it's a "wow...cool, someone is fighting again so lets try to maximize our potential future weapons sales by saying saying only ONE side is not allowed to kill ppl! ". It's almost hilarious if you think about it.

    Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper. Loder1899 Ford Focus RS 2009
  • Loder1899 Ford Focus RS 2009

  • eenu
    Aug 16, 02:04 PM
    jettredmont, in terms of the UK we have coverage pretty much everywhere non of the issues you guys have. But apart from that....points noted

    Ford Focus Rs 2009 Wallpaper. Ford RS – the Mk1 Focus RS
  • Ford RS – the Mk1 Focus RS

  • InsanelyApple
    Feb 26, 11:49 AM
    Why do Americans harbor hate for diesel? I'm not very familiar with the differences between the fuels, other than gasoline is more refined.

    Well, diesel exhaust smells worse than gasoline exhaust. (Personal Experience)

    Jul 18, 03:06 AM
    WOW! "Think Secret" is really putting its reputation on the line by making this ("WWDC surprise: Apple to announce iTunes movie rentals" and Second-gen iPod nano on tap for August") two statements! What are the chances of Jobs announcing movie rentals and second-gen ipod nanos at WWDC (of all places) (in addition to 10.5 and MacPros)? But with Jobs, who knows what will be announced. "One more thing"... oh and wait just "One more thing"... :confused: :confused: :confused:

    Chris Bangle
    Aug 25, 06:54 AM
    Why does intel have to be soooo confusing, A year ago you could either have a G4 or a G5, Nowadays dyo want core solo, core duo, merom, the other one, or that other one, or the other one.( I can ony remeber conroe and merom)... Ok there more powerful but there are too many to decide from.

    Nov 28, 01:40 PM
    Just got back from Mexico and during my time there had a run in with the local police. This is common as hire cars have different colour number plates so the police can easily pick you out of a crowd. Apparently we were 'speeding'. It's all fun and games though. I got the fine down from about $400 US to 1000 pesos. We were warned this would happen when we arrived and should just look at it as an extra 'toll'. I could have probably got it down lower but it was hot and we had a long way to go still.

    At the end of the negotiation you get a form to sign with how much you paid and then you have to sign your name. The document is cleary made in something like Word and it's in no way official....I signed it Ben T Copper! :p

    Thats awesome.....They attempted to give me a ticket for doing about 100mph in a residential zone a few years ago...was actually doing it too.. When they tried to speak to me I pretended to not know english( handed him a PA license) I kept speaking to him in pig latin and pretending I didn't understand...meanwhile he was ready haul us off to the Klink...LOL He eventually got so pissed off he got in his cruiser and left. What I didn't know was they filed a complaint with the rental car agency and we where banned from renting from them again...oooohhhh whoptie do da:D:D:D The things a bottle of good tequila will make you do.

    Apr 19, 11:14 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    One step closer to a MBA refresh.

    One step closer to... every refresh? :)

    Apr 3, 12:43 AM
    It would be "magical" if Apple could make enough for everyone who wants to buy one....could!

    Now Apple Fanboys....dont blame it on the tsunami....Apple knew they only had 17 of them to sell on launch day way before that happened.


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