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Celebrate Mother's Day with Personal Microderm from SkinCareRx!

Country Mouse, City Mouse

Give Yourself a Home Makeover with Personal Microderm!
Thanks to SkinCareRx.com I've had the pleasure of reviewing a Personal Microderm unit. For quite some time my curiosity has been peeked by microdermabrasion , and have even inquired at day spas about the treatment. Spa treatments are expensive, but, I always felt that the benefit would be worth the costs. However, spa visits are not something with I am privy to at this point in my life.

And, then....my review unit arrived and suddenly I was nervous of using it. Why was it nerve-wrecking to me when previously I had been so excited of trying microderm? (I think a lack of understanding how the unit truly worked.) Though I was a titch nervous, I knew I still wanted to use the product. So, I armed myself with knowledge about the product, I read reviews and thought the solution to my nervousness would be to learn from previous users.

Included with the unit was a DVD to watch, in conjunction with printed instructions. Watching the DVD is a must before using Personal Microderm. I also decided to try the unit first on my hands, and knees, thinking they were less sensitive areas as well, if I made a mistake and botched up using the unit it would be less noticeable, than on my face. Using the blue disc (for sensitive skin) I started. When using the Personal Micorderm it is important that you move quickly and don't hesitate in one spot, you can actually see where the device has been, similar to a vacuum on your floor.

After, gaining some confidence I moved along to my face. Make sure your face is clean and dry before you begin. Once you are ready to begin, pull the skin taunt and move quickly over your face, yet, I was careful not to get too close to sensitive skin around the eyes. As I worked, I could see the Personal Microderm was doing exactly as it should - removing dead skin! In it's place I saw new pink skin appearing quickly. I did experience minimal redness for a few minutes, but, nothing which would cause me to discontinue use.

In addition, I received samples of M2 Skin Technologies. Using these specially formulated products are key to achieving the best results with your Personal Microderm. I learned that these products are not to be used directly after using the unit, rather prior to use.

I've only had the unit for two weeks, and had the opportunity to try it twice (once per week). It is recommended to use it once a week for a few months, and then moving to twice a month use for maintenance. I am impressed with the difference it has made in my skin quality already. It makes a big difference in the way make-up looks and feels. I am excited to see the way my skin feels with continued use.

While, I can't compare using Personal Microderm to spa microdermabrasion, I can say that using the unit becomes more comfortable with practice and even with one application I noticed a change in the way may skin felt! I am proud of myself for taking the plunge and stepping out of my comfort zone. I am loving Personal Microderm and would recommend it to anyone. Who couldn't use a little pampering this Mother's Day?

Find out more about Personal Microderm and discover for yourself the benefits it could give your skin.

Disclaimer: I was sent a sample for my review. Opinions expressed are mine, yours may differ.


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