What a weekend. I feel like I got a lot accomplished, which is wonderful, but the moment I stepped foot inside our house I kind of melted into the couch and this is where I've been for the past thirty minutes. I should make myself some dinner, I should put away some of the non-perishable groceries sitting there in the bag, and I should be getting ready for Hank and my evening walk...but it's so much nicer to just sit here and kind of zone out for a bit. I snapped that picture really quickly driving home (at a red light, mind you!). You can kind of see my new hair color, which is a shade of red! Rhonda did an amazing job as always and I had a blast hanging out with her on Saturday AND seeing Melissa! Double awesome. I also got to spend great quality time with my family this weekend and they definitely were troopers as we shopped 'til we dropped. Exhaustion aside, we did get all of the nursery's furniture ordered! This is a relief to me and I'm looking forward to getting the room done in the next few weeks. Oh, and if you're curious about the slight chaos going on behind me in the photo, my car is filled up with some goodies from IKEA, part of our new bedroom furniture, and lots of other random things I grabbed from my parents' house. We move into our new place in about 10 days, so we are starting to get everything together and ready for that. I can't even tell you how excited I am be moving out of this small (but still wonderful) apartment and into our first home, which is has a million times more space. We won't even know what to do with ourselves, and I am happily anticipating having lots of houseguests to occupy our guest rooms! Who's coming to visit? ;)
Today I also got to meet my dear friend Erin's baby boy Kyler, along with Shirley. He is so precious and tiny, and it was amazing to look at him and think that our little Henry will be here so soon, and it will be him that I am holding! The girls and I had a great afternoon catching up over lunch and listening to Erin tell us all about her birthing experience. She's one honest gal, so I learned a LOT- and this makes me really happy. Tomorrow is our first birthing class and I'm looking forward to it, but it's always good to get the real deal from a friend.
This weekend Hank was also super busy up here in Prescott. One of his bands had a show Friday night, and then yesterday he played in a golf tournament. He didn't win but did really well, which is awesome. I love that he's so into sports and I can't wait for our little guy to maybe be the same way! Growing up my parents were always at our dance practices, recitals, gymnastics, early morning soccer games, practices, you name it. I'm excited to do the same- I'm just really curious to see what he is into. I know that's a long way away, but it's fun to imagine what Henry will be like. If he's anything like his Dad I'm sure he'll pick up skateboarding pretty early and probably play some basketball and football too, but we'll see! I don't care if he wants to tap dance! I will be there, with bells on.
I'm looking forward to this week for a couple of reasons: one, our birthing classes begin as I mentioned earlier. Two, the Peters family is coming up for dinner one night, and three, the weather is starting to the get nice and fall-like, with the temperatures in the 50s at night. I love it so much and I can't wait to do some Halloween decorating.
I hope all of you have a fantastic week ahead.
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