Home » » Oh, HEXBUGS!!


Thank you to Mom Select, I was able to introduce my son and his friends to the world of HEXBUG nano!

My coolness factor just went through the roof! My son's friends were asking where I got these and were really eager and excited to try them out.

The measure of a great toy is the decibel of laughter that you hear as kids are playing with the toy.

HEXBUG nano are the newest craze in interactive toys!

The HEXBUG nano is a small vibrating 'bug' (they are about the size of a toothbrush head) that can really motor. They come with an on and of switch, they are even able to flip back onto their legs if they end up on their backs. HEXBUGS are a hoot to watch as they race, battle and knock each other off the track.

You can even register them on line to play games and learn scientific facts.

Predictions are that this is going to be the hot toy of the 2010 Holiday Season.

Bugs, track and habitat that was sent for us to enjoy at our party...

The kids got to work.....

The boys had a fabulous time building their tracks and habitat for the HEXBUGS. The ages of boys we invited were seven to nine, and this was the perfect age for this toy. They have the dexterity and the imagination to put together the pieces, which all snap and lock together really easily. Though the track and habitat are easy to work with, I found it to be strong and withstand young boys handling the pieces.

For these boys half the fun was designing and building the set. The boys worked together beautifully and excitedly co-operated with each other to get their elaborate track set up.

Then the fun began with their HEXBUG nanos. The boys raced their bugs throughout their tracks and maze.

We had one lone little sister who wanted to join in the fun too. Jillian (at four) was too young to be able to put together the track, but she sure enjoyed watching the boys. We put together a little section of track for her to play with her pink HEXBUGS.

Even though track building proved to be too complex for Jillian, she did have fun watching her bugs race around the track.

To round out the afternoon, we snacked on fruit, chips and crackers and I let the kids decorate their own bug cupcakes.

HEXBUG nano delivered smiles and laughter. The kids had a blast!
To sum it up in the words of a seven year old: HEXBUGS are cool!!

I am so appreciative of Mom Select and HEXBUG nano for this great review opportunity!

Disclaimer: I was sent a box of toys to share with friends and host the party. Opinions expressed are mine, yours may differ.


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