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ENVIROSAX ~ the original designer reusable bag

Here in Ontario, most grocery stores now have a sur-charge for every plastic bag that leaves the store. I can personally tell you that only five years ago, when I was managing the front end of a store that was doing over a million dollars a week in sales, I was ordering in two full skids of plastic bags each week! Thinking back, it seems almost unreal that we were merrily going along not even blinking an eye with all that plastic bag use. We have come a long way and we should be proud. In five years I have seen a shift in society's thinking. Most shoppers are now returning to the store with their reusable bags. Which is great, but, boy oh boy...those bags they sell at the grocery stores are pretty unattractive and not very well made.

Change is good, but, even better with Envirosax, who is kicking it up to the next level. Envirosax is spreading the word in a stylish, hip manner. Consumers have options! We don't have to settle for what the grocery store is selling as their reusable bags, there are alternatives. And, those alternatives are fabulous.

Envirosax generously sent me their beautiful Bloom Bag #3. I must admit that the choices are so numerous that it became a difficult task to narrow it down to a couple of favourites, and in the end I basically closed my eyes and picked a bag for review.

Envirosax ~ chic, inexpensive and compact.

Envirosax eco-friendly shopping bags carry the message of re-use to a world ready to embrace a brighter ecological future.

Tested for strength and safety
Super strong, holds 20 kg
Fully washable - won't fade
Super convenient and water-resistant
Fashionable and fun - a great gift idea
Solution to one-use plastic bags

For the last couple of weeks I have been using my Envirosax for everything fromcarting grocery, to carrying laundry, to toting clothing and towels back and forth from the pool for swimming lessons.

For me, the most important factor is how easy and comfortable this bag is to use. With my back issues, it is so important to have the weight of any load that I am carrying distributed evenly. The handles on the Envirosax bag are long enough that it is easy to carry over my shoulder. And, the handles are fairly wide.

The bag is water-proof and can easily be wiped down with a cloth if needed. I love that you can roll this bag up and pop it in your bag or purse. (Making these great bags for men to carry, they can be tucked inside a brief case or a gym bag). And, Envirosax bags hold a lot. They expand and just by using an Envirosax bag, you are eliminating the use of two traditional plastic bags. I would be negligent not to mention the vast array of beautifully styled and inspired design choices.

Choice and selection are abound at Envirosax. Looking for linen bags, or bags just for kids? I also found some very cool bags called Slingsax, and their very cute Minisax that would be perfect additions to my home, as I am sure many other homes as well.

Trust me, but don't take my word (check it out for yourself) grocery or shopping bags need not be boring or dull.

Join me and do your small part by using reusable bags from Envirosax. Help me to keep that grass you see in my pictures GREEN. (I know, that our grass doesn't really have much real grass...we don't use pesticides here in Ontario).

Thank you to Envirosax for this review opportunity.

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Disclaimer: I was sent a bag for my review. Opinions expressed are mine, yours may differ.


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