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Hi everyone, I hope your Wednesday is going splendidly!  Today has been a pretty good day: Henry slept well last night which allowed me 9 hours of sleep- three 3 hour blocks interrupted only for changing and feeding.  Once we were up and at 'em, we headed out so I could get my regular facial peel at my dermatologist's office.  I hadn't gotten one since before I was pregnant, and I was a little concerned with taking H. along, because I was worried he would cry in the waiting room, cry during my appointment, etc...but he didn't!  He was actually awake most of the time, but just looking around with his beautiful, wide eyes.  I was so happy and a lot of my anxiety about taking him out has gone away.  It's nerve-wracking doing these things on my own, and every time I accomplish something like this, even if it seems small and trivial to the average person, I feel very proud of myself and quite accomplished! The rest of the day was spent having a pretty low-key day- I finished Season One of Dexter (loved it) while Henry slept on my chest.  That's one thing I am going to miss SO MUCH when he isn't a baby anymore.  I adore the way he snuggles right up onto me like a little koala, breathing into my neck, hands grasping the sides of my shirt.  It breaks a little piece of my heart off every time he does this, it's the most amazing feeling I've ever had.  I love this little son of ours more than I could have ever imagined...it's seriously so wonderful.  Fellow mamas- wouldn't you agree that nothing is better?! I feel so complete.

But anyway, mushiness aside, here are a few links to enjoy either tonight or tomorrow, whenever you read this!  My guest posts are coming to an end as well, so I'll be back to my regular daily posting.  It's been so nice to have a month of friends helping me out- I was able to schedule their posts, as well as my weekly features ahead of time, so it was wonderful to just focus on keeping my head above water during this first month of mommy-hood.  So again, a BIG thank you to all of my lovely guest posters.  I still have three or four more great ladies to share with all of you, and I'm going to stretch them out into next week.  Good stuff coming your way!

And now, the links:
  • I'm kind of in LOVE with this print.  In fact, I'm in love with this entire site. They also have super cute tee shirts and other goodies.
  • This blog never fails to amaze me...and make me incredibly hungry.  Her cookie roundup has got me beyond inspired to bake, bake, bake!
  • I tweeted about this fantastic blog the other day: Etsy for Baby Boys on Tumblr!  It's chock full of wonderful finds for little dudes, and if you're a mama to a boy, you know how challenging it can be to find cute boy stuff!  This blog does all the work for you, and best of all, all the finds are on Etsy. 
  • Do you like Brussels sprouts?  Sarah does!  And I do too.  She shares a wonderful recipe for a delicious looking Brussels sprout dish here.
  • My thumbprint cookies recently did double duty on two very different blogs recently, this week showing up on my friend Melissa's "Treat Week," and last week on Erin's 12 Days of Christmas!  
  • One of my favorite blogging ladies, Sarah, is 23 weeks pregnant with her daughter Lottie. How cute is she?!
  • I always look forward to Kelly Ann's "Favorite Things Tuesday."  This week was no disappointment!
  • My pal Liz gave me some new nail inspiration with her post here.  And helllooo amazing yellow dress!
    • And lastly, my favorite poet on one of my favorite Tumblrs. Ever.  If you follow me on that site you know that I reblog an ungodly amount of S. Plath stuff...with good reason!  She's amazing.
    Good night all!


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