Hi everyone! I'm Erin from Happy Owl. Not only am I overwhelmingly excited about Danielle and Hank welcoming their first little man into the world but I am thrilled to be able to share a guest post with you today.
There is so much change happening these days; politically, personally and professionally, everyday, all around us. So I thought it would be fun for us to focus a bit on dreams today. Not the ones we have once our heads finally reach the pillow but the dreams that we dare to fulfill each day.
I have heard time and time again people say, "with this economy I can't afford to live my dreams." And when I hear that I get so sad. My husband and I took a risk as most of you know by moving to Alaska. Without any assurance or concrete plans, we forged ahead with our dreams to live life bigger and better than we did before.
Do you dare to be a dreamer too? Make your dreams become a reality?
Do you dare to be a dreamer too? Make your dreams become a reality?
Whether it be the dream to stay at home and raise your children,

Host a dinner in an amazing place,

Whether your dreams are big or small, overwhelming or not. Live them, dream them and share them with us below. I would love to hear what you have to say. Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!! :)
xo Erin
xo Erin
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