Here are a few photos showing one of my "tattoo and maternity friendly" work outfits of the week:
and the cute details of the top without the sweater!
So yes, overall today (and yesterday) was really fantastic. On the first day, I do an activity with all of my classes- one of those awkward, getting to know you games that students probably hate, but I really like! :) I have them turn to the person next to them and ask them 10 questions I've already chosen, write down each others' answers, then introduce each other to the class. It's always really interesting to see their answers to the questions I've picked out- especially their favorite band and their biggest wish for themselves. Today was down to business and I literally talked all hour, every hour. We went over the syllabus and all of my rules, upcoming projects, etc. I teach the same exact thing five times in a row so it can get a little monotonous but overall the kids make it fun. Tomorrow we actually start "learning" something and we begin our Native American Lit. unit.
Hank has been so incredibly sweet about me going back to work for a bit while pregnant. For the past two nights he's had dinner ready for me when I walked in the door. He basically told me to take a seat, put my feet up and then fed me such great food. What a man, huh? ;) Last night we had Thai and tonight I came home to a delicious, delicious home cooked spaghetti and "meat"ball/fresh veggie dinner. Yum. If you're curious, our favorite meatless meatballs are the Trader Joe's brand, and that's what he used here. They are incredibly good.
After dinner we headed downtown so Hank could play a show with one of his bands, Hot Skin. I really, really, really LOVE this band. Addison is the singer/guitarist, Pat plays drums, Jordan plays second guitar and Hank plays bass. It's really fun music and always a good time. Plus, I got to see a million people I haven't seen in awhile which is always fun.
If you're curious about what Hot Skin sounds like, here's a video I took awhile ago at one of their small shows here in town. The quality isn't anything special, but you can kind of get an idea of the type of music they play. It's a side project for these guys (all but one of them are also in Hour of the Wolf with Hank), but they're about to record an EP, so I'll post info when they release it.
So, this week is almost half over and I'm looking forward to a nice, relaxing weekend spent with Hank and my friends. On Saturday I'm going to see Eat, Pray, Love with my friends Adie and Becky, and then hooopefully getting root beer floats at the Raven again. So good. (Amber, wish you were here!)
That's it for now, bed is seriously calling my name! I hope you all are having a beautiful week!
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