Friday night update
Posted by sasa
Posted on 8:09 PM
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Happy Friday, everyone! I hope all of you are having a wonderful start to your weekend. My parents are currently in town and we've been having a great time getting things done and getting the nursery all set up. First things first, we had to paint the nursery. Hank and I have been mulling over gray shades of paint for what seems like forever, and we finally settled on one: Valspar's "Polished Silver," which we purchased at Lowe's. The room has all white trim, so we wanted a nice gray that would really make the white pop. We got started last night and taped the whole room, and this morning my Dad laid the plastic out while my Mom and I got ready for breakfast. Afterward, it was painting time. The room that became Henry's room was the only room in the house that had been repainted outside of the color scheme and was a bright blue. Some of our friends loved the color and thought we should have kept it, but our minds were set on the gray and I'm definitely glad we changed it. The final result is so incredibly perfect and I'm totally in love with it. I'm so excited to get the rest of the room done...and just in time too since I'm about 36 weeks pregnant!
I'm also really excited for tomorrow because my sister and her fiance Abe are coming up so we can all go to the pumpkin patch! I've been looking forward to it for awhile and I'm happy the weather's been a little chilly so we can enjoy a nice Autumn afternoon. Tomorrow's also the day that Hank's band Hour of the Wolf goes on tour, but due to little H. being on the way so soon, he elected to stay behind for this one. Since it's a full-US tour, it was just too risky to have him across the country if I went into labor. Our dear friend Caleb is filling in for him during this 5 week jaunt all the way across the country to The Fest in Florida, so definitely check them out if they're in your area. You can see their tour dates on their Myspace page here or on the Think Fast! website by clicking here (scroll down and select "view all shows"). And be sure to say hi to the guys if you happen to catch a show!
In case you're not familiar with Hour of the Wolf, here are a few songs. Enjoy!
I'll be back tomorrow with some Fall-time goodness! Have a great night.
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