The latest in the evolution of games, “You've been Sentenced!” is the first game in history to really turn making sentences into a very funny, playable, and challenging game. Using a unique word deck of pentagon shaped cards containing conjugations of funny words, famous names from throughout history, familiar places, and wild cards, players have to make grammatically correct and justifiable sentences. The real fun begins when players have to read their sentences out loud and explain what they mean to the rest of players. They form the jury and vote thumbs up or down on whether the sentence and justification stand and the points are scored. 540 cards with over 2,500 words insure billions of possible sentences so the game is never repetitive and has unlimited re-play value.
There is a definite buzz surrounding You've Been Sentenced. I had heard mention of this game, but, didn't really know what to expect. A few weeks ago, we received our own version of the game so we could see for ourselves what it was that has gotten people talking.
This is the kind of game that one can really get into and get seriously addicted to. It is refreshing in that you have to use your brain, but, at the same time you can get giggling. Our younger kids weren't able to join in (they are too young, you need to be able to read), but, they enjoyed listening to other players by sitting around the table and laughing at the funny sentences that we were coming up with. They like silly and some of what was being said was pretty silly!
(Although, I will say it was a good practice for his reading, trying to read the words printed on the cards.) You've Been Sentenced is ideally geared for ages eight and up, and I would suggest the more players you have the more fun it would be. We have only had the chance to play with just the three of us. I had planned to take it to Thanksgiving last weekend when my brother and his wife came for a visit, but, with all the illness that everyone has, Thanksgiving didn't happen. But, I will share You've Been Sentenced with them when they are able to come. It makes you think and be creative, I know this is the type of game they would really enjoy.
The hilarity begins when each player draws ten cards and places them face down. All players flip their cards over at the same time and using one word from each card you attempt to make the best sentence...one that makes some sense. The first player who thinks they have a sentence, then starts the timer. When time runs out you begin reading your sentences out loud. If your sentence makes sense you get your points, but, if it doesn't make sense you must present your reasoning to the jury and it goes to a vote.
You can now see why the kids thought this game was so silly. I like the game because it can be played and won in a short amount of time, starting a game isn't going to consume your whole afternoon and evening. I think this is a great game for older families or for when friends drop by.
However, this game is only fun if you can read the words, and McNeil Designs realizes this. A portion of the proceeds of the sale of You've Been Sentenced is contributed to a literacy organization.
~ Giveaway ~
One Country Mouse, City Mouse follower is going to be the excited recipient of their own
You've Been Sentenced!
*This game is so popular they are having a difficult time keeping it in stock..which is a great thing! Just be aware, that yours may be delayed in arriving, due to low inventory, but rest assured you will receive it when they become available.*
One Country Mouse, City Mouse follower is going to be the excited recipient of their own
You've Been Sentenced!
*This game is so popular they are having a difficult time keeping it in stock..which is a great thing! Just be aware, that yours may be delayed in arriving, due to low inventory, but rest assured you will receive it when they become available.*
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@ccmouse ~ Laugh out Loud Funny ~ You've Been Sentenced (game) http://tinyurl.com/2av5nhh

This giveaway is open to Canada and USA
This giveaway will run from Oct 15 - Nov 7, 2010
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This giveaway will run from Oct 15 - Nov 7, 2010
Please ensure your email is visible
Winner will be contacted by email and have 48 hours to respond
This blog bares no responsibility for the delivery of this giveaway prize
Disclaimer: I was sent the game for my review. Opinions expressed are mine, yours may differ.
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