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went to pixar for toystory 3 launch :)

mod*tot + i went to pixar for toystory 3 launch last month, may 5th. we got to interview the director, producer + video game makers. we also had a tour of pixar including the "renderfarm" where each 3D frame is "squished" into a single frame from many frames (i wasn't taking notes... i was just in awe, like i was in wonka land). it was an adult only event to launch the video game, but i brought mod*tot, because she is my video game guru. we sat front row center in the pixar theater for the movie + game sneak peeks that had just been completed, like this video. the mc was comedian jeff garlin, who plays a new character called buttercup the unicorn (he also stars in curb your enthusiasm). he 's hysterical + worked mod*tot into his presentation :)

mod*tot loves the toystory games on the wii, playstation, xbox... she was thrilled to get a toystory 3 barbie and ken set, a jessie doll and jessie tshirt for her birthday, and toystory 3 printed bandaid samples. she can't wait to see the whole movie with RealD 3D kid-sized glasses that will be in theaters when movie opens friday :)


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