Do You Remember?
We're in Louvre!

Once there was a very popular novel - The Da Vincci Code by Dan Brown
Then Coloumbia Pictures has adapted the novel into movies starring by Tom Hanks
I was sooooooooo interested with the Louvre in Paris
Time tu we were both just got married, and I remembered I was pregnant with Izz
(baca buku tu sementara nak kill time masa nak pergi check-up kat Clinic Dr Delaila..hehe)
And I never thought we would be here one day!
We're in Louvre!
The surroundings are gorgeous!
I was expecting it would be like other places in Europe which would be dull, no colours, dirty and sempit but I was wrong! hehehe
Then, we want to know, what's beneath the we went inside

Next, nnt saya sambung next entry k.
Day 9 banyak sgttttt gambar...
Gambar baru process sikit2..
Penat...saya tak cukup makan =(
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