cheyyyy..gambar intro for the Day 8. Sebab no 8, ada ONG skit gittew! =)
We thought we wanted to continue berdisney another round,
But was feeling not in the mood maybe sebab thinking penat nak berjalan dalam Disney tu
Should exercise and fit dulu baru sesuai untuk berdisney 3 rounds
and another thing maybe sebab tak cukup makan
Kena makan nasi jugak baru best
and ada energy nak ber-activity waktu siang dan malam...hehehe
and ada energy nak ber-activity waktu siang dan malam...hehehe
So, Day 8 we checked out and went to Paris from Marnee La Valley
This time we took the Paris RER from Marnee La Valley direct to Auber
Train station dia sgt buruks hokey...
Now I can tell why people are saying Paris is dirty and smelly
Mmg kat bawah underground tu bau kencing and muntah je (I can imagine waktu malam time ramai mabuk)
Then sampai je at the station, berpusing2 mencari lift!
And the funny part lift dia pelik...takde button! LOL Dia just tulis "Departure in XX seconds" =)
Bila dah keluar dari underground baru lega =)
Then I saw Galleries La Fayette and Printemps! OMG! OMG! Tak sabaunyaaaaa
We took the taxi to our hotel, we were staying in Holiday Inn L'opera
Tengok maps, nampak macam dekat je hotel tu dgn L'Opera, tapi sebab dia one way road, the taxi kena pusing one whole round and cost taxipun jadi two way round! HAHA
~Hotel dia mcm style classic France....tengokla lift dia... =)~
~The room is very clean, homely and love the balcony~
When we reached the room everybody was hungry
So saya masak telur rebus and ketupat makan dgn serunding.
Bila dah full, we went out and hubby said macam tak sempat nak jln2 today coz it's already 3pm
So he suggested to go to my shopping place (sebab tgk bini dia tadi mcm tak sabar je) and jalan2 cari groceries.
So he brought me to 31, Rue Cambon!
The place is quite big...siap ada a few partition for bags, clothing, shoes, accessories, men's collection pun ada!
I saw these beautiful stairs but macam dah terlupa nak tour naik atas to see Coco Chanel's apartment.
The funny part, Izz boleh recognize this place and tell me "Mama's bag! Coco Chanel!"
and the SA was very friendly.
we asked them whether they can send the items to our hotel
(Risau nak carry byk2 kotak & paperbag)
It should not be a problem for them.
After completed with purchase,
I can finally put a very BIG smile to hubby
~At the Entrance, there's a big portrait of Coco Chane~
Then we decided to take a walk from Rue Cambon to our hotel (just about 1km)
Along the way, we singgah masuk a few shops (ada Virgins, etc) and lastly to groceries store, Shopi
~During this time saya sgt gembira saya pakai crossbody bag. =)~
Sampai bilik saya masak salmon (with lemon, some minced garlic and ginger+ ikan bilis cube) and makan with nasi + carrot.
Kenyang!!! Alhamdulillah...
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