So, we got to the airport and my Dad met us there to get our car (thank you Dad, I love you!) and we were off. We boarded our flight, and ended up sitting on the plane for over an hour due to some sort of malfunctioning part. Interestingly enough, my friend Jenn was en route to Paris today on the same airline, and also had a horrible delay (turned canceled flight) due to some sort of part problem as well. When coming here I really, really prefer to go on Hawaiian Airlines- they're the best for Hawaii- but since our tickets were so last minutes (2 weeks before!) we went via US Air. No complaints though, it's HAWAII! :) They fixed the airplane, and we finally took off and landed in Kona earlier this afternoon. We spent the rest of the day enjoying yummy Mexican food for dinner and then spent a long time floating around in the ocean and watched the sunset from that perfect spot in the warm water. It was really so beautiful and I can't wait to get a water case for my small digital camera so I can bring it into the ocean to capture moments like that. After sunset went back inside and here we are, relaxing! Tomorrow is a full beach day and I can't wait.
I hope all of you are enjoying your summer so far, and had a great day! Last visit wireless wasn't hooked up yet, but now that it is, I will probably be doing little updates like this one in the evening while we're winding down. I only took a handful of photos today but there will be more to come. Happy weekend! xoxo
Sky Harbor
Can you tell we're tired? I look insane! hahah. It's also important to note Hank's neck pillow.
finally in Kona! I really adore this photo of Hank.
at dinner
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