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Gold Vending Machine

Am I a gold-digger? 

(bukannya maksud gold-digger tuuuu...we were married when we both had no money k)

I dig gold mainly from a vending machine!

You all must heard that Dubai is a City of GOLD
and Dubai ada berlambak GOLD SOUQ (pasar yg mainly jual emas & diamonds)
WALLA!!! Apa Yaya ni...baru cakap pasal cookery, lepas tu branded shoes & bags, 
ni pasal gold pulak???

takdela...janganla fikir bukan2....
my intention just nak cerita my experience merasa 

Nama vending machine ni is GOLD TO GO
Like something in James Bond film kan? =)
U can choose, ada macam2 bentuk...pening kepala!
Price dia pun ikut the current gold price and maybe cheaper than dekat Gold Souq.

The best part, vending machine ni kat dalam Emirates Palace hotel!
Kalau nak tgk mcm2 jenis kereta, and also nak view how the place for billionaire arab lepak,
Bolehla tengok Emirates Palace ni...

Sorry, gambar tak cantik...next time saya pergi lagi, saya ambil gambar tempat ni yg sungguh humongous and grand GILER!!!

Packaging dia pun cantik...siap ada seal!

So anyone is coming to Abu Dhabi,
Make sure u go and visit this place and also the vending machine inside it. 
Nak bawak balik as souvenirs pun berbaloi. =)


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