Early morning, hubby drove us to Stoke-on-Trent. Our destination in Stoke was only the Wedgewood & Royal Doulton Factory Outlet (ADDRESS: Forge Lane Hanley, Stoke On Trent ST1 5 GPS Coordinate: 53°01'23"N, 02°11'58"W). The journey was about 1 hour drive from Birmingham.
Sampai je kat situ, I was stunned - tak tahu nak pilih yg mana. The only thing I knew was my SIL cakap don't buy the Old Country Roses, because that one my mom ada, my sister ada, dia pun ada...but the thing was yg cukup set tu only the Old Country Roses...because mostly they are selling in loose set....kena pilih and beli one by one. But I found Royal Doulton Chiffon set in pieces 20, in a box, tinggal 2 boxes je lagi and also there's one Completer set (with tea pot, sugar bowl and milk glass) So that's it. And the price lagi murah lagi Corelle ok! Apa lagi, I beli 2 boxes set 20 tu (ada 4 cups, 4 saucer, 4 bowl, 4 desert plates and 4 dinner plate) and also the completer set. Then also 2 pieces 3 tiers cake stand plain with gold lining Royal Albert and 2 tiers cake stand Old Country Roses for my mom. Dah fill in one trolley, I went to the cashier to pay...
Sampai rumah Julie, we've been served dengan nasi with lauk gulai ayam (sedap!), ada belacan even the desert pun sedap. =) Zemie pun ada sekali..we used to study Engineering in MMU Cyberjaya together, and also used to be housemate. We all pun sama2 TM dulu and the last time I saw them was about 4-5 years ago. They are in UK doing their Masters, so kebetulan this year happen we got a chance to meet in UK. Seronok dapat jumpa they all...TQ Julie & Chot & Zemie for the hospitality. Till we meet again and do keep in touch, kay? =)
Sampai je kat situ, I was stunned - tak tahu nak pilih yg mana. The only thing I knew was my SIL cakap don't buy the Old Country Roses, because that one my mom ada, my sister ada, dia pun ada...but the thing was yg cukup set tu only the Old Country Roses...because mostly they are selling in loose set....kena pilih and beli one by one. But I found Royal Doulton Chiffon set in pieces 20, in a box, tinggal 2 boxes je lagi and also there's one Completer set (with tea pot, sugar bowl and milk glass) So that's it. And the price lagi murah lagi Corelle ok! Apa lagi, I beli 2 boxes set 20 tu (ada 4 cups, 4 saucer, 4 bowl, 4 desert plates and 4 dinner plate) and also the completer set. Then also 2 pieces 3 tiers cake stand plain with gold lining Royal Albert and 2 tiers cake stand Old Country Roses for my mom. Dah fill in one trolley, I went to the cashier to pay...
Then bila nak bayar, I was thinking how nak carry this back, maybe they can pack in one big box. But then they said they have option to ship to my country for only 30GBP for 1 trolley. That's very reasonable! So I told them I want to buy some more...I tengok ada loose set Royal Albert cute tea cups and matching saucer (July). I bought 8 pieces! (coz 1 set tea cup and saucer tu dalam GBP 4) and match it with Royal Albert white with gold lining dinner plates and bowl etc...thinking kalau nak pakai sendiri or serve orang datang, takdela rasa sayang sangat. Also I took 1 Royal Doulton completer set tea pot with sugar bowl and milk glass yg plain white with gold lining to match with everything.
Then budget ada sikit lagi and I geram sangat tengok this Wedgwood Sweet Plum collection, I took another trolley and pilih. The Wedgwood is quite pricey comparing to Royal Doulton and Royal Albert...tapi sebab nak sangat, I bought a few...and thinking later I will add more to my Wedgwood colletion. =) So complete beli 3 trolley, one trolley with Royal Doulton, one with Royal Albert and the last one with Wedgwood. Minton, Johnson pun ada, but I think cukupla..budget dah habis. Tu pun I thought with the budget I only can choose 1 jenis, but turn out boleh beli 3 trolleys of cookery! =) Sangat puas hati.
For the Royal Doulton box, I asked them to post to my parents house in Malaysia, while the other 2 to Abu Dhabi. Nnt dah sampai I will take pictures one by one. But it was so easy, with 30 GBP dah safe tenaga semua nak angkut, and they also deduct the VAT sekali siap2. But in case kena tax kena cover sendiri, but I think if taxable pun still cheaper than retails here.
After 2 hours shopping, we are set to go to Julie's house in Coventry. Along the way in Stoke, we found a lot of retails park, it's time for hubby to stroll along at his gadget's world - in PC World,
This time I was still having a flu and menahan demam dengan panadol, tapi bila dah dapat shopping terus SEGAR!!! hehehe
The Orange juice is so refreshing....it's different than orange juice here yg manis sampai ke tekak! Julie's house is about 1 hour drive from Stoke, so we stroll around the countryside sambil cerita cerita dengan hubby about his experience dulu in UK...Hubby used to stay and been schooling in UK for 2 years - he quit MCKK masa form 2 until form 4 sebab ikut my in laws doing PHD in UK dulu, so everything seems familiar to him while everything looks new to me here..
Sampai rumah Julie, we've been served dengan nasi with lauk gulai ayam (sedap!), ada belacan even the desert pun sedap. =) Zemie pun ada sekali..we used to study Engineering in MMU Cyberjaya together, and also used to be housemate. We all pun sama2 TM dulu and the last time I saw them was about 4-5 years ago. They are in UK doing their Masters, so kebetulan this year happen we got a chance to meet in UK. Seronok dapat jumpa they all...TQ Julie & Chot & Zemie for the hospitality. Till we meet again and do keep in touch, kay? =)
Also happen to be Warwick was my twin brothers' University....thought nak visit the uni jugak, but dah lewat and penat and we have to go back to the hotel in Birmingham before dark. Coventry to Birmingham is about half an hour drive.
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