Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post through my affiliation with Mom Blogger's Club. Though, this is a sponsored post, opinions expressed are mine.
My oldest daughter, Emily is getting her braces off in exactly 24 days, and she is counting down the days. We even have an appointment booked to have her teeth cleaned the following week. I am so excited to see her smile without the silver metal braces, as her smile is looking fantastic!
Her orthodontist told me that the retainer she will be wearing will not be visible. I had no idea that there was such a thing, I was expecting the old retainers of yesteryear, like the one I had at Emily's age. There has been huge advancements in orthodontic treatment in the last few years. Have you heard of Invisalign Teen?
Invisalign Teen is a great alternative, specially designed just for teens aged 13 to 17. These are clear aligners that gradually straighten teeth without the need for using metal or wires. Align uses 3D technology to map the patient's progress from start to finish. Teens simply wear each aligner for about two weeks, and in that time it is moving the patient's teeth. And the best part, Invisalign Teen is perfect for self-conscious kids, and for me as a parent of an almost teen I love that Invisalign Teen is comparable in cost to traditional braces. And, Invisalign Teen can correct a whole host of orthodontic conditions, such as, overcrowding, overbite and underbite.
~ Take the Invisalign Make Me Smile Challenge ~

From now until November 8th make a short 30 second video of you doing doing something with a prop that would make someone smile! Enter your video at Make Me Smile Challenge for a chance to win an Ultimate Hollywood Experience, including a $5000 shopping spree on Rodeo Drive!
Find out more details here. Good Luck!
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