Welcome to Day 6 of my Holiday Gift Guide!
Today, I am going to help you find some easy meal solutions.

Busy moms and dads know how rushed meal times have become. On too many occasions, dinner has become a meal on the run, and too many times it is grabbing something quick through a drive-thru. Being in a small town, we don't have a lot of choice when it comes to fast food, and I think that is a good thing, because otherwise how easy it would be to resort to drive-thrus. So, meal time often consists of the same thing week after week, and our repertoire becomes stale and uninspired.Today, I am going to help you find some easy meal solutions.

To the rescue is the 30 Meals in One Day system.

Have you seen the businesses that are centered around this concept? Where you go to their establishment and you assemble meals and then freeze them for later consumption? The 30 Meals in One Day system is the same concept, but, you do it yourself in your home. You can prepare the meals alone, or with a friend. And, you can save yourself a whack of money by doing so. I have used one of those assembly kitchen places and they leave you seeing $$, and your meal + ingredient choices are limited.
3o Meals in One Day is a series of cookbooks and software. In essence you can cook a whole months worth of meals in one day and then pop it into the freezer to pull out and warm up as needed. I can see how this would be a huge time-saver and eliminate the stress of worrying what was for dinner. The complete system is three easy to read and follow cookbooks - Dinner is Ready, Lunch is Ready, and On the Side, plus software which allows you to make menus and shopping lists, as well as, labels to apply to your ready to freeze meal.

The books themselves are easy to read, large print , all the recipes are written in simple terms. Ingredients are nothing out of the ordinary, using items you either have in your pantry or that can be easily found on the grocer's shelf.
I love the idea behind 30 Meals in One Day. I think it is a great way to get a nutritious dinner on the table in a short amount of time. This is great for families, who have a limited amount of time to eat and then need to be out the door again for various activities and sports. Even for working couples this would be a great system!
My husband, who is the real cook in our home is planning to put the theory to the test (so to speak) when he has a few days off after Christmas. Using Dinner is Ready, he has read up on all the preparation needed to be ready to begin cooking. At the beginning of Dinner is Ready, you learn to assemble all the needed ingredients, as well as tools to easily begin making your food. The key is to be prepared before beginning and all should run smoothly.
In the mean time, we have been picking and choosing a few recipes to try out. Dinner is Ready has great entree ideas, but using the accompanying books you can easily pull together a complete meal. Hint * the books even suggest which entree to serve with which side dish. Really, it couldn't get any easier!
We love the recipes we have tried so far. Even, our pickiest of eaters has tried the meals. The

Check out the site for sample recipes and to learn more!
Discount Code: Use code CAROUSEL to receive free shipping in the US
If you are Canadian, receive a $4 discount on shipping when you leave a message in the comment box at check-out that you are coming from CMCM blog
Purchase: Purchasing is made easy at 30 Meals in One Day!
Buy just one cookbook, or the cookbook and software
Purchase all three cookbooks with the software + labels in a money saving combination package
Thank you to 30 Meals in One Day for being a part of my Holiday Gift Guide. This is the kind of gift that keeps on giving, and would be a fantastic gift for just about anyone this Christmas.
~~ Holiday Giveaway ~~
Get on the road to simplifying your life with the 30 Meals in One Day system by winning right here!
One Country Mouse, City Mouse reader will win a Dinner is Ready cookbook and software combo! (value $40, or find it online for $32)
* Now, read carefully to understand this incentive! If you are the winner and you have purchased a Dinner is Ready combo (during this giveaway) you will be refunded. However, if you are the winner and order the full set (all three cookbooks and 3-in-1 software) before the winner is announced, you will receive a refund of $60! (You can buy the whole system for $75 on the website)
If you are Canadian, receive a $4 discount on shipping when you leave a message in the comment box at check-out that you are coming from CMCM blog
Purchase: Purchasing is made easy at 30 Meals in One Day!
Buy just one cookbook, or the cookbook and software
Purchase all three cookbooks with the software + labels in a money saving combination package
Thank you to 30 Meals in One Day for being a part of my Holiday Gift Guide. This is the kind of gift that keeps on giving, and would be a fantastic gift for just about anyone this Christmas.
~~ Holiday Giveaway ~~
Get on the road to simplifying your life with the 30 Meals in One Day system by winning right here!
One Country Mouse, City Mouse reader will win a Dinner is Ready cookbook and software combo! (value $40, or find it online for $32)
* Now, read carefully to understand this incentive! If you are the winner and you have purchased a Dinner is Ready combo (during this giveaway) you will be refunded. However, if you are the winner and order the full set (all three cookbooks and 3-in-1 software) before the winner is announced, you will receive a refund of $60! (You can buy the whole system for $75 on the website)
Mandatory Entry
1. Visit 30 Meals in One Day and tell me something you learned while there.
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@ccmouse ~ For those who love to cook....http://tinyurl.com/3yzbnl8

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This giveaway is open to Canada and USA
This giveaway will be open for entries from Nov 6 - 15, 2010
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Winner will be contacted by email and have 48 hours to respond
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Congratulations!This giveaway will be open for entries from Nov 6 - 15, 2010
Please ensure your email is visible
Winner will be contacted by email and have 48 hours to respond
This blog bears no responsibility for the delivery of this giveaway prize
Disclaimer: I was sent a sample for my review. Opinions expressed are mine, yours may differ.
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