Sipping a cup of tea has always been a comforting experience for many. But, now for many that afternoon cup of tea has become an experience which is more than a soothing drink. For many a cup of tea has become a luxury to be enjoyed in beautiful authentic cups, and made in the finest of teapots. EnjoyingTea.com has filled the niche of making and enjoying tea beautifully.

Upon visiting EnjoyingTea.com I found an abundance of loose tea and teabags, and then everything you will need to make and serve your choice of tea.
There is a whole world of tea out there that I know nothing of, thankfully to EnjoyingTea.com I was able to find a source of information and education on tea. Things like different types of tea need to be brewed at a different temperature of water and then steeped for a certain amount of time. I had no idea of these types of tips, that can only make your experience all that much more serene.

And, then there are teapots, and teacups. EnjoyingTea.com has pots and cups to suit your individual personality. A true tea connoisseur knows that tea is best if sipped from a special cup and saucer, (or whatever suits your fancy). Teapots and cups are a wonderful way to decorate and I know that many people collect teacups and pots, and EnjoyingTea.com has a selection which is sure to please.
My Grandma gave me a teapot when I was getting married, and it is a treasured gift that sits in my China cabinet. But, I thought I would love a contemporary set to sit on my table. Something which would be a conversation piece and give flare and personality to my table.
I love the look of this tea set, the splash of red on black, gives the feel of authentic Japanese. This is a well-made ceramic set, that comes on a cute little serving tray. Once I get loose tea figured out, I am definitely going to use the Inspiration Tea Set, but, until then I am enjoying just having this set as my table centerpiece.
How fun this tea set would be for serving to a friend. I especially like the little serving tray with it's silver handles.
While perusing EnjoyingTea.com, I found some pretty great customer incentives. They have great flat shipping rates, and free tea with the purchase of a tea set or tea pot.
Thank you to EnjoyingTea.com for sending this cute tea set for my review. And for opening up the world of tea and all things tea related to a novice, but one who wants to know more!
Disclaimer: I was sent a tea set for my review. Opinions expressed are mine, yours may differ.
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