It's not easy for me to go out and find school for my kids alone. With hubby now on consulting trip in Algiers, I have to call and go to a few places myself asking if they have vacancies for Izz (macam nak mintak kerja ok, but we are the one who is going to pay them)
Actually we have registered him for Al Muna School (which is just a stone throw away from our house), but the school has no vacancy for FS2 so we need to find other school. The first school I went is not a proper school. Izz had to go for a few assessments and they said they can offer Izz for a place in FS1 and starting immediately. I don't really like the school n think it would be better if he goes to the school yg jauh but lagi proper. So i went to find a few more schools in Abu Dhabi area, and went to this nice GEMS American Academy.
Izz took their assessments and passed! He has been offered a place in KG1. Yippie! We were so excited and went all around the school to look and see his classroom
He should start his school next week. When I email hubby the good news, he was also ecstatic but a few hours later he told me a bad news that the company is not paying and covering the fees for KG1 or FS1. They will only pay for FS2 and we have no choice but to find other British or UK curriculum International School. *Sigh* A bummer! I was sooooooooo tense and ada some part of me thinking macam oklah...kita bayar je lah his education for the first year. But bila fikir2 balik and talking with my hubby and friend, biar benar nak bayar 38k a year untuk pergi kindergarten. Lainlah if University.
So the next day I went and mintak tolong my friend to go to the British school yang agak jauh from our house (about 26km away) then hubby called me and telling me Al Muna got a vacancy for Izz and they are offering Izz a place, but he has to go for assessment first. I feel so relived but still we have one more obstacle to prepare Izz so that he could pass the assessment. Seriously, pressurenya nak hantar anak in Abu Dhabi ni. Now baru I faham why a few of my friends here cerita how pressure they were dulu time nak cari school in Abu Dhabi.
His assessment is on this Sunday, please pray for Izz. Now everyday I am teaching him myself sikit2 and trying to make learning as fun as possible. Sometimes ada time saya tak sabar tu....isk...mengucap je lah banyak2. I also don't want to pressure him...let him be and I really hope he could pass so he tak payah bangun awal2 pagi untuk pergi ke sekolah yang jauh. Aminnnn....
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