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35 week update!

It's been quite some time since I've made a proper pregnancy update post, so I thought 35 weeks would be as good of a time as ever. I have honestly been feeling GREAT, and surprisingly I've been enjoying this part of the pregnancy more than any other. I think it has to do with a couple of things: one, the light is definitely there at the end of the tunnel which is so exciting. And two, I haven't had those common pregnancy maladies like sleeping issues or back pain. At this point I am feeling pretty lucky to be doing as well as I am. My doctor attributes it to my continuous exercise regime and eating well, so it really makes me feel happy to hear that my diligence to staying healthy has paid off. Now I just can't wait to actually meet the little guy, hold him, hug him and kiss him.

Here are some photos from this evening:

35 week photo
35 weeks

cute detailing on my dress/shirt (this is not a maternity top, so it's more a dress when I'm not pregnant!)
cute detail on my dress/shirt


35 weeks

Hank and I had a wonderful, wonderful date night and then purchased the last of the items we needed for Henry, including the most adorable framed print for one of his walls. I can't wait to share photos once we're all set up. This next week my parents are coming up for a visit and staying for a few days, which we are super excited about. We're going to be painting the nursery and getting everything done as far as setting up and decorating. Although we feel like we're set with baby gear, we're really trying to stick to only the necessities as of right now and then get the extra things as we go, if needed. I just keep reminding myself that when my Mom had me she didn't need any of the fancy things they have nowadays and we were just fine. And that's not to say that Hank and I are choosing to go some sort of minimalistic route, but it's easy to get caught up in the material stuff and we're trying hard not to do that!

I thought I would also do a little questionnaire:

How far along? 35 weeks

Total weight gain/loss? So far I've gained a little less than 30 pounds, although I have no idea where it is because I don't feel like I'm THAT much bigger outside of my stomach.

Maternity clothes? None outside of my Forever 21 maternity jeans (love them) and a couple of maternity tee shirts with ruched sides I bought for the gym/workouts.

Stretch marks? absolutely none (yet!).

Sleep? I sleep very well (usually 8+ hours a night) but wake up to go to the bathroom numerous times. I have no problem falling back asleep though so I am counting my blessings on that one.

Best moment last week? my baby shower!

Movement? He moves all of the time. The doc assured me he is head down so I'm assuming that's his foot I'm feeling up there in my ribs. He's usually kicking to the right side too.

Food cravings? fresh fruit always. And that's about it!

Gender? boy!

Labor signs? none yet

Belly button in/out? totally in. I don't think it will ever pop out because it's not even flattened out yet.

What I miss: wearing all of my dresses, RUNNING! lifting heavy weights at the gym, and eating lunch meat.

What I am looking forward to: meeting our son and the whole birthing process, I'm incredibly curious. Oh, and eating a huge sandwich. And sushi. And running.

Also, here's the fruit/veggie comparison for this week- I'm at the end of this 8th month and moving into the 9th so I'm between this and a WATERMELON. Yes, a watermelon. Holy shit.

Baby’s senses are continuing to improve -- when light peeks in through your (extremely) stretched belly, those tiny eyelids and irises blink and dilate. And, baby can now recognize and react to simple songs… time to start practicing your lullabies! Growth (at least inside your womb) is starting to slow, and you may notice baby descend into your pelvis at the end of this month.

A lot of people have also been asking about our "birth plan." I thought I would share a couple of the hopes and goals we have for our experience. I am definitely going for a natural birth, with no epidural or medication. It's a big goal of mine (I don't take ANY medication or even medicine when I have a headache), so medicating isn't really something I like to do. Also, needles scare me (yes, says the girl with multiple tattoos), and the thought of needles anywhere near my spine make me want to vomit. Epidurals scare me more than birth actually. However, I am being open minded and let's say I get in there and my mind totally changes, I am open to that. I'm pretty much open to the whole experience. I know what my goal is, but if at any time things change I am going to try and be okay with that. Who knows, I could end up having a c-section (which is not what I would want), but if that's the way it has to go, that's the way it goes. My main concern is birthing a healthy baby and I don't care how it has to happen as long as the way it happens is the best, healthiest option for Henry and me. So we'll see. I'll be giving birth in our new birthing center which is pretty much amazing and much more resort than hospital. Our birthing class took us on a tour of the new facilities (opened last spring) and they are really great. I know it sounds crazy but I am EXCITED to give birth. I want to see what it's like and have the whole experience. I'm aware that it's going to be quite the painful time but I'm kind of pumped for it and looking forward to the whole thing. Did anyone else feel like this beforehand? I feel a little crazy for thinking this way but I'm sure someone else out there has felt the same!

So, 35 weeks! I can't believe I'm winding down this entire journey and it's crazy to say that next month H. will be here. I have about 17 more working days too, which is another shocking number that crept up on me. Stay at home mama life, here I come! If I've learned anything from this pregnancy it is this: time flies. It feels like only yesterday this was us:

The day found out I was pregnant!

And now, here we are, heading into the final month of pregnancy.


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