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Thursday night update

What a week! It's truly been a roller-coaster these past few days, and luckily it seems to be ending on a very great note. If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you'd know that Hank and I have been house hunting since last spring. We have pretty specific things we want, and it's hard living in a small town because there aren't as many houses for sale that fall into our specifications. Although we're in a bit of a time crunch (12 weeks until our baby is due), we still didn't want to settle at all. Plus, this is our first time buying a house and we really wanted to take our time and do it right. So we've been looking, and looking...and looking. Almost two months ago a home popped into our listing cart at midnight, and of course I was awake and immediately got excited. It was exactly what we wanted. It was seriously perfect for us, and had so much more than we wanted with no negatives that we could see. I got Hank and showed him all the photos, and emailed our realtor. We ended up going over there first thing in the morning, absolutely falling in love with it, and submitting our offer that same day. We were so fast that no one else even went to see the house before we submitted our offer (with a stipulation in the contract that they couldn't accept any other offers/contracts), and the agent told us that the next day about 20 different people called about it, so I'm so thankful we got there right away. Being that it was a short sale we had no idea how it would pan out. It could take months and months for something to happen, so we continued to look. It was hard because nothing matched up to "that" house, but we kept our search going. Little by little our short sale house started to move along. And to make a long story short, the bank accepted our offer! We found out earlier this week, but the house was set to go to auction, so we had to get that taken care of. Apparently even though the bank approved our offer, sometimes houses can get inadvertently sold at auction like this if someone drops the ball. Luckily that was cleared up today, before the auction date, which happens to be tomorrow! Our last hurdle is the inspection, which originally was happening on Monday but is now happening tomorrow! I'm really excited to see the house again, and hopefully hear that it's in great shape and we can move forward. Being that it's almost brand new and it's hardly been lived in I am hoping the inspection goes smoothly, but I'd appreciate any and all positive thoughts being sent our way (tomorrow at 10am Arizona time! haha). ;)

I'm just SO excited. To be able to have a HOME to welcome Henry into, to be able to stop renting, to have a garden in the big backyard, to have so much space and so many rooms, to be able to finally get the furniture I want, to decorate, I'm kind of dying a little just thinking about it. We've been renting for six years now and started off living in a teeny tiny studio, and shared a TWIN BED for a year. So you could say we are very excited for this big step.

In other news, school is going very well. It's definitely my best year yet and the kids are so fun. I'm having a great time. This week I've been really overwhelmed with everything going on, and I owe about five of my friends phone calls, so I'm looking forward to getting comfortable this weekend and making some time for that. Hank also had a basketball game tonight (they won, yeah!), and it was so fun to watch him and our friends have a great time. Now they're all downtown have celebratory drinks, and I'm sure Hank is enjoying a Shirley Temple. ha.

Here's a little collage from some photos from this week:

my week

each row from left to right: my handsome breakfast date at Cuppers, waiting for a basketball game to start, flowers in our front yard, my giveaway win from Merry Made Handmade, the Pink Team wins again!, driving/looking like a bug with those huge glasses, cuties lounging on the couch, baked potato with broccoli- so good, vintage tee for Henry, gifted by the lovely Ashley, Mike's b-ball legs, tonight's game, a present for Henry from Kat and Oliver!

Here's a bigger version of their team photo, it's so cute!

team Pink!

I mentioned in the caption but I want to give a HUGE thank you to Ashley over at Merry Made Handmade for sending over the biggest box of goodies for me (and even adding in a present for Henry!). I won a giveaway over there a week or so ago and I was so excited to see a cute little package from her. I opened it, and it was chock full of so many awesome things. Definitely stop by her blog if you don't already- she is a Phoenix gal who runs her own business, and she's the sweetest little gal in the world. Click here to head over to her blog. So I was just blown away by that wonderful package, but then Hank tells me I have another box waiting for me, and inside I find the cutest Seahorse toy for Henry, from my darling friend Kat and her son Oliver. I love it so much and I know H. will love falling asleep to his "Soothe and Glow Seahorse." :) I have the sweetest friends- thank you both SO very much. My heart is so happy.

That's it for now, but I will be back this weekend with a pregnancy update, and the second part to my "10 Things I've Learned in my 20s" post. Have a great night!


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