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Today's been such a good day. I feel like we're on pins and needles waiting to hear back about the house- we're scheduled to hear something this week! Possibly Monday, but hopefully before the weekend. This will seem like a bunch of nonsense if you're not familiar with short sales, but the bpo came back and our offer was right on point...so we're basically crossing our fingers that all the signs that are pointing to yes actually follow through and say yes. If you are familiar with short sales, you'd know that it could fall through at any time. Although we are in the very last stage and everything has been smooth sailing, and has moved quite quickly over the past month since we made our offer, nothing is certain until we sign those papers. I've been sending so much positive energy into the air and visualizing the heck out of this situation. With Henry arriving pretty soon this would make life a lot easier. So we'll see! We're continuously looking at houses, and although nothing we've found is as great as this one, I know we'll be able to find something else we like if need be. Time is the only thing that is a little iffy, since we are renting and our lease can only be extended month to month for so long! Apparently we're playing the "how much stress can we put on this pregnant lady" game. haha.

Other than that, work this week has been so much fun. It's nice to see so many happy faces and spend time with my teacher friends. This year has such a positive vibe about it and I'm glad to be back. I'm already done with my preparation so I've been having a lot of time to enjoy Harry Potter (currently on Book 2) and plan out the entire semester for the sub that will take over in my absence. The weather has also been so beautiful up here, and Hank and I have been taking evening strolls every night, and he's been playing basketball with his friends, which makes me ecstatic that he's out enjoying himself. As usual we've been cooking dinner each night, and tonight Hank is making his curry again. It looks and smells 100x better than last time, which says a lot since last time was amazing!

I realized last night that I forgot to do a 24 week pregnancy update so I will be doing my week 25 update tomorrow as scheduled, and you might see a bit of a jump in my belly size! I definitely think it's been growing a bit in the last couple of weeks.

Also, before I go, here are a couple odds and ends!

1) I signed up for Home Ec today and I am SO incredibly excited. Nervous, but mainly excited! Have any of you signed up or are any of you planning to? If you're curious, click here to learn more about this AWESOME class! And what perfect timing for me! I'm looking forward to learning all the basics (and a so much more), and making all sorts of things from curtains to plush animals, and one day, even clothing! As soon as I wrap up this entry I'm heading over to the Home Ec private blog for the first time and I can't wait. :)

2) I also wanted to share my current favorite blog with all of you-


I've been an avid reader for a month or so, and this is seriously one of the absolute best blogs I've come across dealing with all-natural, healthy living. It's a wealth of information, and even though I feel like I'm very well-educated, I learn something new every single day (often many new things)! I urge all of you to add Chemical Free Skinny to your daily read, and be sure to let me know what you think!

3) Speaking of natural, I have to share my favorite snack of the week! If I'm in a bind and totally craving something chocolate, I've found Clif's Zbars in Chocolate Brownie to the be the best option. As a rule I try to stay away from consuming tons of packaged foods, but this is such a yummy treat and fairly healthy as well. I think it tastes just like a brownie and the entire bar is only 130 cal, 3.5 g of fat, 10g of sugar, and you get 3g of fiber and 3g of protein! Not too bad for something I like to enjoy for dessert, along with some fresh berries.


Well yay! I'm enjoying getting back into posting almost daily updates. This summer was a little strange with all the traveling we did, and it was hard for me to get into the groove and really sit down and write my usual posts, outside of the weekly features and pregnancy updates. I'm really looking forward to these next months, and sharing so many fun and exciting things with you all! Happy Wednesday!


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