I've got a few emails from my readers asking about this "Bunga Kobis"
Also received a few compliments on how beautiful this bunga kobis is
TQ! Actually this bunga kobis is more than just a bunga kobis....
The bunga kobis that I meant is...
And this bag is actually my 6th Chanel
6th? Mana first, second, third, forth, fifth?
Hahaha, jgnla tanya...coz bags saya selalu come and go
But nnt saya boleh buat cerita pasal history...
Bila teringat balik sayang nyaaaa...
But kalau dah tak terpakai, better jual
So u can add to the fund for a new bag yg u akan pakai, right?
Tidakla membazir sgt...
This bag is considered as classic
And the name of this bag is Chanel Bubble Quilted Bowler
Every year Chanel will come out with this Bubble Quilted line,
Just that they will enhance sikit,
Like this year (2010), they have it in jersey bubble quilted.
Last year (2009), the bubble quilted is made of calfskin...but it's a little smooshy.
Mine is Lambskin quilted...it's sooooo puffy!
Eventhough I had this bag last year,
But until now the puffy lagi membuak buak which I really like!
Mine is the 2008 version, and I searched for it high and low
And someone managed to get it for me
Someone whom I reallllllyyyyy love
And very understanding about my passions (tapi bahaya jugak, sebab he gives me no limits!)
As much as I understand about his passions too.
The full story? Let it remains to be as our secrets
Coz about personal thingy ni, kalau share dengan public,
For me it doesn't make it special anymore
The thing I like about this bag is the size
Not too big, not too small
And it's very soft and lightweight too
Just one thing yg bothering me is the handle coz sometimes slip off from my bahu
Same as the Chanel GST.
Bila time nak cepat2 tu, geram jugak
But it's just a small flaw compared to how beautiful it is
The thing that I really love is the Matte Gold Hardware
Very nice and it goes nicely with the dark beige colour
Oklah, byk cakap pulak...hahaha
Jgn menyampah k..
This is just one of my passions and I would like to share with readers who have the same passion
If other lovely readers who don't have the same passion with me,
maybe we can share together talking about other passions, k
So please excuse me
Thank you. =)
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