The only people who think parenting and teaching are easy
are those who have never done either.
Living with young children can be one of life's most enjoyable experiences,
yet it can also become unbelievably frustrating
if u don't quite know what you're doing
Last week, I was so frustrated when my own kids melawan
and did the opposite things of what I said (sort of macam dah spoil)
And hubby was suggesting me to read about the 1-2-3 Magic:
Effective Discipline for Children 2-12
And I would recommend all mommies to read this and implement this to your child
It's simple and if u use the 1-2-3 correctly, it really works!
Basically, all kids have this attitute
when they are 2 years old, they want to act as if they are 5
When they are 5, they want to act as if they are 8
They will always testing and manipulating to get our attention
So, for 2 years old kids, they could not understand logic
or worst, yelling, spanking would only effect their emotional and confidence level
So, by using the 1-2-3 Magic method,
I can control their obnoxious behaviour, encouraging good behaviour and strengthening our relationship
Now I can be the kind of mother I knew I could be
And I went back enjoying my kids and feeling in charged again.
Read the book, you'll never regret it. =)
and Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan!
and Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan!
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