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All Because of Toy Story 3

My first son dah pandai persuade, dah pandai complain, dah pandai puji...semua pandailah!
So now I got 2 parrots in the house yang always pot pet pot pet.
Aiden pun boleh cakap, but the fun part, he is still pelat...so sometimes I still can ignore him
(still boleh buat2 tak faham apa dia cakap kan)
But Izz ckp mmg clear...And since he saw the Toy Story 3 Movie Posters,
He always persuaded me to bring him to the movie and watch TS3
He always said, "Mama, come take taxi and let's go to Muvi and watch Toy Story 3. Buzz Lightyear, Woody, popcorn."
And I promised him last weekends we will watch it together with Papa in Dubai after pergi hotel, and swimming.

One thing, U can never tell a lie to a children..
Because he would remember
And also promise should not be broken, because it will break their heart.
We promised him we will watch the TS3 the night before
And he waited but it's not happening because there was no show at night for TS3 in Festival City.
So we went to Dubai Mall the next morning...

Nope, tunggu Aiden besar sikit baru pergi KidZania

Nak masuk Sega Republic pun tunggu Aiden tinggi sikit baru boleh naik byk rides
And bila sampai dekat cinema, it's still closed! (because we went there early morning)

And he was so frustrated!
Sampai termenung tepi tingkap thinking bilalah dapat chance nak tgk Toy Story 3 ni...

Then bila cinema dah opened, dia buat muka kesian saying please please...

Yes, we brought Izz to watch the Toy Story 3
He watched it sampai feeling habis! hihihi
This movie is one of the best trilogies of all time
And nak mangaku ni...
I've cried!!!
How in the world the movie can make adults cry over toys?
Is it just me or any mommy out there did cry too?


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