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underWAY & Smart for Life Blog Tour {giveaway}

Oh, the perils of yo-yo (dieting) weight loss and weight gain!

Sixteen years ago is when it began for me. In those sixteen years, I experienced three pregnancies and we all know how hard it is to get the pre-pregnancy body back (minus those lucky few). Coupled with chronic medical conditions and being limited in the amount and type of exercise I can preform, weight-gain became my enemy, one I am not able to fight on my own.

Partnered with Mom Central is underWAY and Smart for Life, and I am so stoked to be a part of this exciting tour. underWAY is brought to us be the same people who made Smart for Life Cookie Diet.

underWAY is the true appetite suppressant supplement drink available in three delicious and nutritious flavours. underWAY not only suppresses your appetite naturally and quences your thirst, but it is filled with HeroFiber (a super fiber) and vitamins. Invented by Dr. Sass, one bottle of underWAY appetite suppressant supplement drink delivers the equivalent of 9 grams of fiber nutrition which is nearly a third of your daily recommended requirement of fiber content in only 20 calories.

underWAY curbs your hunger two ways....

~ It's special formulation not only takes longer to be absorbed by the stomach, it also slows the absorption of what's already there, making you feel fuller longer.

~ It's unique ingredients stimulate your stomach, telling your brain you've consumed more calories than you really have - which, with underWAY, is almost zero.

Fortified with HeroFiber, which includes Fortefiber, soluble dietary fiber which helps to maintain cholesterol, glucose and insulin levels that are already within normal range.

I have been sent two flavours of underWAY, so I can put it to the test. I will admit that I am a diet soda addict. My plan is to start replacing that soda with underWAY, and see what the outcome it. I also think that drinking a bottle of underWAY would be a great way to start the day 'on the right foot.'

Though, I am not able to exercise, I would think that underWAY would be a perfect re-hydrating drink after a workout. Or, in this July heat wave we are having...a great way to keep hydrated.

Also, included in my box was a variety of goodies from Smart for Life.

The Smart for Life diet program features the use of their unique Smart Diet Products. Such as the Smart Cookie, squares, muffins, shakes, soups and desserts.

Sounds great! All of those things I love and I am excited to see if I like the version from Smart for Life. The Smart Cookie square has made Smart of Life famous, it contains up to 60% organic ingredients. The diet cookie contains no drugs or toxic preservatives and is available in three flavours.

Packed and ready to go with us on our vacation holiday is my package full of underWAY and Smart for Life. I will be back in August to share with you what I think of these products. I have never used this type of product before. So, in addition to being new to Dr. Moulavi's products, using an appetite suppressant is a new experience. I normally post with my reviews, but this time I just couldn't wait until I got back to share these products. Plus, there is a fab giveaway to go along with this tour!

~ Giveaway ~

Canadians ~ 10 of my followers are going to be the lucky winners of a case of underWAY!

** Note: You are will see this tour popping up on other Canadian blogs. You are welcome to enter at as many as you wish, but you can only win once. We want as many people as possible to have the opportunity to try underWAY and experience it's benefits.**

Can't wait to try underWAY for yourself? Use code MCCAN10OFFUW to receive a discount of 10% on your online order.

Mandatory Entry

Do share,
tell me why you would like to try out underWAY and/or Smart for Life?

Must be a follower of my blog

this mandatory entry must be complete if you wish to qualify for additional entries

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Enter any other current giveaways @CMCM - one entry for each giveaway entered

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*tweet daily for extra entry*

@ccmouse ~ Win underWAY appetite suppressant! http://tinyurl.com/335y3e5 Canada

This giveaway is open to Canada
This giveaway will run from July 17 - August 4, 2010
Please ensure your email is visible
Winners will be contacted by email and have 48 hours to respond
This blog bares no responsibility for the delivery of this prize


Disclaimer: I am participating in the underWAY program by Mom Central on behalf of Better Health Beverage, LLD. I received a gift card as a thank you for my participation. The opinions on this blog are my own.

~ comment 18 - Huguette ~
~ comment 17 - dor ~
~comment 38 - Zeemaid ~
~ comment 45 - Susan Margaret ~
~ comment 61 - flowerchild ~
~ comment 26 - bigdisneyfan ~
~ comment 35 - Earth Girl ~
~ comment 2 - jmajor ~
~ comment 4 - Darcie K ~
~ comment 17 - thaeter ~


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