...How Siblings Can Survive Their Parent's Aging Without Driving Each Other Crazy
By: Francine Russo
One of the hardest things for me is watching my parents become older. With age, comes a whole host of problems which I find I am not prepared to deal with...after all, I still see my parents as forty year olds. Reality is though, aging is part of life, health issues, mobility issues and just general safety concerns comes with age.
As my parents are approaching their seventies I know that I am going to have to find the strength and knowledge to make the best decisions for them. But, the bigger issue for me is having them accept the fact that maybe they can no longer do what they were once able to do. Compounding the issue is having a brother and sister who are both individuals with opinions that are bound to differ from my own.

They're Your Parents Too, by Francine Russo is a book which I am going to be referring to often as the years go on. Some of the topics covered in the book include:
By: Francine Russo
One of the hardest things for me is watching my parents become older. With age, comes a whole host of problems which I find I am not prepared to deal with...after all, I still see my parents as forty year olds. Reality is though, aging is part of life, health issues, mobility issues and just general safety concerns comes with age.
As my parents are approaching their seventies I know that I am going to have to find the strength and knowledge to make the best decisions for them. But, the bigger issue for me is having them accept the fact that maybe they can no longer do what they were once able to do. Compounding the issue is having a brother and sister who are both individuals with opinions that are bound to differ from my own.
So, as I approach these years I was so happy to find a resource in the book They're Your Parents Too!

They're Your Parents Too, by Francine Russo is a book which I am going to be referring to often as the years go on. Some of the topics covered in the book include:
~ Who will be the decision maker?
~ How will it be decided who is the decision maker?
~ How will hurt feelings be handled and minimized when dividing property and inheritance?
~ How to cope with reemergence of unresolved childhood rivalries?
~ How can caring for parents be an enriching experience?
~ How can you ensure the best care for your parents?
Your parents are starting to slow down, be forgetful, or worse. Suddenly you find yourself at the cusp of one of the most important transitions in your life. Your parents need you and your siblings to step up and take care of them, a little or a lot. To make the right things happen, you will need to work together. Yet, your siblings may have very different ideas from yours of what's best for mom and dad. Sometimes, siblings are completely uninterested in helping, leaving you with all the responsibility. Or, they may take charge and not allow you to help, or criticize whatever help you do give. Will you and your siblings be able to reach an understanding and work together?
~ How will it be decided who is the decision maker?
~ How will hurt feelings be handled and minimized when dividing property and inheritance?
~ How to cope with reemergence of unresolved childhood rivalries?
~ How can caring for parents be an enriching experience?
~ How can you ensure the best care for your parents?
Your parents are starting to slow down, be forgetful, or worse. Suddenly you find yourself at the cusp of one of the most important transitions in your life. Your parents need you and your siblings to step up and take care of them, a little or a lot. To make the right things happen, you will need to work together. Yet, your siblings may have very different ideas from yours of what's best for mom and dad. Sometimes, siblings are completely uninterested in helping, leaving you with all the responsibility. Or, they may take charge and not allow you to help, or criticize whatever help you do give. Will you and your siblings be able to reach an understanding and work together?
Aging parents are stressful. We all want to give them the best, but often times our own pride gets in the way. With some planning and having the right resources, be prepared and know how to re-act before the situations arise. I highly recommend They're Your Parents Too, the book is full of great advice and will help to guide you through a time which is already hard enough. And, help us to come out on the other side being friends and having a closer relationship with our siblings.
Disclaimer: I was offered a book for my review. Opinions expressed are my own, please use your judgment when making a purchase.
Disclaimer: I was offered a book for my review. Opinions expressed are my own, please use your judgment when making a purchase.
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