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Yay! It's a Gurl!

Presenting...my new baby girl....*drum roll*...


Eventhough dah lebih sebulan, still saya nak cakap, Marhaba Nurul Haya! I wish my third child will be a girl....Amin...I can't resist to see all the baby cute stuff yesterday in Gap, Mothercare and Accessories...I janji if I got a baby girl, I will stop slow down splurge things for myself and buy all new stuffs for her. InsyaAllah..if ada rezeki but deep down in my heart I try not to hoping so much because I know that I almost got everything that I needed and wanted so this might be the only thing that I can't have. *sigh*

Takpela for now, at least nanti bolehla saya bermain dengan Nurul Haya kan Ian? =)


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