I pernah ask, berapa they make sebulan..they said below 2 ribu tapi yg mahalnya nak bayar bedspace. Accomondation sgt mahal kat sini sekarang, bedspace sahaja sharing 4 orang in one small room dalam AED600-AED800 sebulan...and bayangkan, my apartment yg company cover dulu the rental is AED135k and in 4 years now naik jadi AED330k per annum! Berganda-ganda living cost and inflation rate naik per year. Then they nak hantar duit kat family, yg tinggal just dalam AED300 untuk makan sebulan...so they only makan roti yang bila tak habis they simpan pulak untuk lunch, sedih sangat tengok and i feel them...(sebab dulu time student kan mesti pernah rasa, tapi tu sebab tak reti manage duit scholarship hihihi)...and yg lagi sedih especially tengok yg dah tua but still have to work, and bila u naik cab, they cerita about their kids and how proud they are with their kids eventhough they can only see them berapa hari dalam setahun.
Another thing is eventhough they all susah but they tak buat crime and respect us as sesama muslims. Crime is very minimum kat sini. Most of them are very good muslims yang sometimes some of them bila masuk waktu sembahyang je, terus pergi masjid or bila kat tengah highway, they stopped and sembahyang kat desert. Well, tak bolehla nak generalize jugak, ada jugak yang kurang ajar, but it's very minimal. Part yang funny bila tengok gaya they all bergambar...fuh posing macam hero hindustan! hehehe...
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