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Hunting for Easter Eggs

I am so excited about Easter this coming weekend. Now, if only the weatherman will co-operate and send us some lovely spring weather - sunshine and warm breezes!

No matter the weather, the kids will participate in our towns tradition of a community Easter egg hunt. Actually, we have two to choose from, or we can attend both! There is one on Good Friday, and another on Saturday. This year we are going to take the kids to the one on Good Friday, it is out at a farm, and they have the cutest spring lambs.

After the Easter egg hunt, we continue with tradition and head home to colour our Easter eggs. We hard boil our eggs before colouring. I know many people blow out the yolks, which I have tried, but, I much prefer hard boiling. After our eggs are decorated we will place them in a basket to enjoy as our center-piece throughout the weekend.

Another favourite activity leading up to the excitement of the egg hunt is watching Easter-themed television shows. Playhouse Disney is featuring Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Mickey's Great Clubhouse Hunt.

Mickey and the gang are getting ready for an Easter party when Pete says the password incorrectly - blowing the clubhouse away! Now it's up to Mickey to travel far and wide and get it back.

Watch Mickey's Great Clubhouse Hunt this Sunday @ 9AM
on Playhouse Disney!

Watching Mickey's Great Clubhouse Hunt will be a great way to relax with the kids after an early morning Easter egg hunt. The kids can enjoy some chocolate, and moms and dads a little down time from all the excitement of the morning.

Enjoy colouring your Easter eggs, and your egg hunt this weekend!

Disclosure: I’m part of the Playhouse Disney Mom program and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.


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