I've done the whole "what's in my bag" post before, and since I now carry a diaper bag most of the time, I figured I'd share a little about what I carry on a day to day basis! It came up the other day on Twitter when I was talking to my mama-to-be friend Kristy, and since I've had this sitting half done in my queued posts forever (and she's about to give birth!) I figured it was a good time to finally share! I'm an organized minimalist, so maybe I carry around less than most people, but I'm not really sure. I go between this bag, and sometimes Hank's Skip Hop diaper bag when we are going to be out and about for awhile, since it zippers which is much more convenient. I do love this bag though just because it's so darn cute and I love that it doesn't exactly look like a diaper bag, while at the same time it's totally functional. The inside of the bag and all of the pockets are easy-clean vinyl which is awesome too. So, here you go!
- pacifier wipes. Even though Henry doesn't use one, I still like to have these on hand to wipe off his toys if they fall on the floor in a public place.
- breast pads. I'm terrified of wearing a cute, light colored dress or top and then being surprised with huge leakage spots. I'd rather be safe than sorry!
- diaper ointment. Henry has actually only had diaper rash once, when we tried a different brand of diapers, but I keep this in there just in case. This particular one is from my Aunt Ellen, and is "Earth Friendly Baby" brand.
- diapers. I always have at least a few. We are currently using Costco brand and love them.
- prefold cloth diaper for wiping up drool, etc. On top of that is a blue onesie in case H. needs a change of clothing, which could totally happen due to any number of bodily functions. And on the very top is a thin blanket that can be used for a million different purposes.
- a book. I like to be able to read with him wherever we are if the occasion arises.
- baby wipes. We got these at our shower (Earth's Best brand) so we've been using them. At home though we use Costco brand and really, really love them. $20 for 900. Awesome.
- teeny tiny first aid kit for obvious reasons.
- Sophie Giraffe. Henry isn't teething yet, but it's great to have a toy to keep him busy and distract him in case he starts to cry. He loves this little animal and it always makes him smile.
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