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What are YOU excited about?

{image via weheartit}

I'm excited about a lot lately, and I think this is partially from the change in seasons- even though it's still February some of our days have been quite spring-like. When winter turns warm, and when summer turns to fall, I feel happiest. I feel inspired. And I feel optimistic about all that is to come. Summer and winter are great too, but there's just something about fall and spring that feels so right. So today, here's what I'm excited about:

-the random warm days scattered amidst the colder ones. Sunny afternoons and longer days.
-the first smiles from baby Henry in the early morning. They melt my heart.
-the "almost laugh" he's working on. All of those little sounds and squeals.
-our summer trip to the East Coast, I can't stop daydreaming about the fun we'll have.
-date nights on the boardwalk at the Jersey Shore. Yes, that Jersey Shore. My beloved Jersey Shore!
-spring time clothing- skirts and shorts and sun dresses - oranges and grays and mint greens. Lots of stripes and florals.
-getting our house put together, spending time decorating and making it a home.
-the upcoming blogger meetup, and getting to meet so many of my favorite friends.
-on the same note, getting to meet so many new people I don't yet know.
-trying out new recipes with Hank- we're choosing one per week from a new cookbook so we can build up our arsenal of go-to dishes.
-thinking about Henry's future, looking forward to so much.
-my new lipstick on the way from MAC "Shy Girl." I tried it the other day with my sister, and it's the perfect everyday color.
-my sister's wedding, in exactly one month. I can't wait to see her walk down the aisle.
-today's plans: spending the afternoon downtown, Henry's 3 month photos, and maybe a hike too.
-the kale we are having for dinner tonight. Have you ever had kale? Sauteed, steamed, etc. So good. And so good for you!
-the fact that Cadbury eggs (the hard-shell ones in the purple bag) will be here soon if they're not already here. They're my one candy weakness.

And I'm kiiiind of excited about this cuteness from Friday, too:

So, that's my list! What are YOU excited about?


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