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Wellness Mats ~ Made me a Believer!

In my past life, I worked in retail management, where I stood for hours on end. The company provided anti-fatigue mats for us, which helped to relieve some of that stress. Thinking of those old store mats. I remember them as easing some of the strain while standing, but, really they weren't that great. Up until now I wouldn't of believed that an anti-fatigue mat would make a difference in my life.

When my Wellness Mats, floor mat arrived, I took it out of the package to inspect it. Right away I noticed a huge difference between the anti-fatigue mats of my past life, and the new mat in our kitchen.

First thing I noticed is the construction of Wellness Mats.

I stepped onto our new Wellness Mat, it became so apparent that these are far superior to any mat I have ever stood on before. Remember, I suffer from a back injury and my tolerance for standing is already decreased, and all of a sudden I am finding I can stand for longer periods of time.

I placed my mat in front of my kitchen sink. I was reading recently, on one of the blogs which I visit, that she thought she was living in the only home in the US which didn't have a dishwasher. Well, I am her Canadian counterpart. We wash dishes by hand here, and up until a couple of weeks ago, I was washing a plate or two and having to take a break. Now, thanks to my Wellness Mat, I have noticed a difference in the length of time I can stand and work at the sink.

What makes the Wellness Mat so special?

Wellness Mats are a lovely addition to your home's decor, but, it's what's inside the mat that makes them truly extraordinary.

Unlike the mats I had previous experience with, the core of the Wellness Mat is APT {polyurethane}. Mats made with gel or foam wear down and what was initially comfortable, quickly becomes just another mat. I have only been using my mat for a couple of weeks, but, I can say the mat is still looking and feeling just as good as it did the first day I received it. I anticipate years and years of use, with the mat remaining just like new.

These mats stay put, there is no danger of the mat sliding around the floor, or the sides curling up. The sides of the Wellness Mat are sloped, making them anti-trip, which I love. Being in the kitchen of a busy family with young children it is bound to become spilled upon and sticky. Nightly, I just take a damp paper towel and easily wipe off the mat - it is truly stain resistant, plus it is bacteria resistant.

Wellness Mats have made me a believer! It has done wonders and helped relieve some of the pain in my lower back and leg. While it can't fix me, it can definitely help me to live my daily life better. A Wellness Mat would be ideal for any area which you find yourself standing a lot - kitchen, laundry, bathroom, or work shop.

Visit Wellness Mats to learn more and take a look at their different sizes and colours, and be sure to check out their new motif mats.

Find Wellness Mats on facebook where you can enter to win your own mat. Or, connect with Wellness Mats on twitter.

Disclaimer: I was sent a sample for my review. Opinions expressed are mine, yours may differ.


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