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Today, Sunday

Hank and I decided to stay another night at my parents', so in the morning we all went to IHOP for breakfast (my Dad's choice). I'm not a fan of breakfast places like this- I really, really love eating big, healthy breakfasts at home...but I did find something good to eat and it was really fun. Definitely a great morning, and we headed out fairly early and stopped by Scottsdale Fashion Square before we actually headed up the mountain. The mall was fun, but super super crowded. It's weird- ever since I moved to our small town five years ago, I really cannot handle or stand big, crowded places. The parking lots are too much, all of the bustling crowds are too much, and I just would rather avoid it all together. However, we got there right as the mall opened so it wasn't too bad.

*Quick question though- I fell in love with a dress at H&M, but they didn't have my size. If you are headed to one soon and wouldn't mind checking and possibly picking up something for me (I can paypal you), could you email me at sometimessweetblog @ gmail? This is the second time I've done this at H&M recently (I had my friend send me a top last week) but I adore this dress and would love to own it. I'd appreciate it so, so much- and thank you in advance for any and all responses! :)

Doesn't the snow look beautiful? This is what we came home too. One thing I really enjoy about living up north is that we get all four seasons. Although I'm not a huge fan of the cold, it is nice to have snow and to really experience so many different types of weather. People think Arizona and automatically think HOT...but our beautiful state really has a little of everything. It's neat that Henry will grow up having snow days like I did growing up in New Jersey. It definitely brings back memories of my Mom making hot chocolate and letting us watch daytime television under the big blue blanket. Ahh, I love it.

But anyway, great weekend! I'm excited for a wonderful week too. I'll be down in Phoenix again, heading to the Children's Museum with my pals Natalie and Anita, and our little ones. Although Henry isn't quite big enough to enjoy it, I think he will like checking out some new scenery and being with other kiddos. I also have a hair appointment with Rhonda, and I'm excited to cut it all off! Juust kidding. I wouldn't ever do that- I love love my long hair. I do want to darken it a little more and trim my bangs, but that's about it. I've mentioned it before but Rhonda's been doing my hair since I was 14...how insane is that?! I love her and she really is like family. I feel lucky to have her in my life.

I hope all of you have a great week! I'll leave you with some photos. xo

I like to imagine that Henry is saying "heeeeey!" in this one. It makes me giggle.

at breakfast

Dad looking squinty, mama, and Lauren


mine! Veggie omelette and a banana

bathtime, I snapped this photo about an hour ago. How darling is he?!?

after bathtime with Daddy


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