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» Tattoo Tuesday V.58
Tattoo Tuesday V.58
Posted by sasa
Posted on 5:58 AM
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Name: Alexandra (editor's note: the blog link given to me by Alexandra isn't working, but I'll be sure to update this when I get a working link so you all can check out her blog)
Age: 20
Occupation: Baker at Whole Foods and freelance makeup artist
Age of first tattoo: 18
Favorite tattoo: Matroyshka doll tattoo on right inner forearm
Featured tattoo/location: Traditional gypsy piece on chest.
Artist/shop/location of feature tattoo: Ezra Haidet, Triple Crown Tattoo, Austin, Tx
1) Tell us about your featured tattoo- is there a background story or special meaning? Why did you choose this particular piece of art?
I chose a traditional gypsy for my chest piece because I am Eastern European, Romanian to be exact. My dad's grandparents hail from there, and my gypsy's scarf is the colors of the Romanian flag. I've grown up loving the culture and the country and eating the food. Gypsy's are one of the first things I think about when I think Romania, they are very common throughout the country.
2) Do you have any other tattoos? If so, what do you have and where?
I have 2 almost complete sleeves, my right sleeve is composed of traditional pieces including an owl, peacock, ballerina, bow, locket, and an apple on my hand. My left sleeve is an ocean themed traditional sleeve with a mermaid, starfish, seahorse, and waves. I've also got Gizmo from Gremlins on that sleeve. My feet are poorly done and getting covered in the future, and I have roses on the right of my neck.
3) Do you plan on getting more?
Most definitely! Once I finish getting my left sleeve colored in next month, I'm starting work on my legs and thighs and getting the left side of my neck and throat done.
4) How do your family and friends feel about your tattoo(s)? Have you run into any adversity or negativity because of them? Do you have a significant other? Does he/she have tattoos?
My mom paid for my first tattoo for my 18th birthday. She doesn't mind them so long as I don't waste all of my money on them all the time. My dad is old fashioned and though he knows I have tattoos, has never spoken to me about them. Almost all of my friends have tattoos, and the only negativity I get from being visibly tattooed is from people at work who will rarely make complaints. I have a boyfriend of 2 years who is more covered than I am. When we first started dating, all he had was a right sleeve and the left of his neck done but now he has both sleeves and hands, throat and neck, and both lower legs covered. Its bonding for us!
5) Any advice for those interested in getting tattooed but haven't gotten one yet?
The thing I tell every person who comes to me and says they want to get tattooed but hasn't, is do your research and pick something you'll want forever! There are plenty of good shops out there, some you need to dig around to find. You don't always need to go to the most popular, expensive shop to get a quality tattoo also. There are plenty of high quality AMAZING artists who aren't at an LA Ink type studio, who will do gorgeous work and not rip you off.
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