Today was a great day, and a special one, because little Carter turned one! I can't even believe that the he is already a year old- it seems like only yesterday I was meeting him in the hospital for the first time on his actual day of birth! It only makes me realize how quickly Henry will be one and that makes me a little excited but also quite sad. At the same time though, it's a great reminder to cherish every day and every stage, right? I think so. But any and all sadness aside, today was awesome! Autumn had a jungle themed party, complete with animal hats for the kids and a bounce house! Everyone had a blast.
After the party Hank surprised me by driving down to Phoenix after doing a cert. class, and my parents watched the little guy while we went on a date. It was SO much fun and so nice to have some "us" time. We went to Green for dinner and then got frozen yogurt. Delicious!
Here are some photos from today:
getting ready while my mama watched Henry
If someone would have shown Autumn, Erin or I this photo back in our sorority/college days...we would have been in shock. It's amazing to think we all used to be at NAU together, and now we're all mommies to these beautiful little darlings.
Henry and Kyler, best friends! Kyler is 6 months old- they're just almost exactly 3 months apart.
Libby and Henry...this is Autumn's wonderful Mom and someone who is like a second mama to me. She's seen everything in my life, from me meeting Hank, to being at our wedding, being there through the pregnancy, and now here she is, holding Henry. So awesome.
Autumn and her birthday boy!
Happy birthday Carter!
at dinner- my handsome date :)
annnd me and my big baby! How I love him so. Not the best photo but I always want to remember his size, so in a few months I can compare. He's sleeping in his little co-sleeper next to me and I love hearing all of his baby sleeping noises. I'm about to join him.
Night all! xo
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