For as long as I can remember, my Dad has gotten me a Valentine. Every year, on February 14th I knew that a card and little treat from him would be waiting for me on the kitchen counter before I went to school. And when I went away to college, each year without fail a special card would arrive in the mail for me. All of those awkward preteen years, when I wasn't always sure if any boys liked me, or later, in college, when I was between boyfriends or had a year when I felt more down than usual, I knew that I count on something from my wonderful father to cheer me up. Thank for making me feel loved Dad, yesterday and today. You have always been such a great father and on Valentine's Day I always-always think of you. It's the little things like this that really taught me how to be a parent, and I can't wait to do the same thing for Henry. I love you!
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