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Let's talk iPhones, shall we?

 {image via weheartit}

Now that iPhone is on Verizon, so many of my friends have made the switch over to the greatest phone in the world! haha. I sound like I'm in love with my phone and well, I kind of am!  I was a touch-screen hater for a long time, and refused to change from my beloved Blackberry forever, until Hank finally convinced me. And I am so glad he did! If you're into social media, blogging, photos, you name it...the iPhone IS for you. It's the best.

And one of the obvious best parts about it? The apps! So today I thought I would share some of my favorite apps with all of you- and let me know if you have some favorites too!

1) Diptic

Diptic lets you take images from your photo library and combine them to make collages. I usually then process them via Instagram (my most favorite app), which I'll talk about in a second!  Here are two examples of collages I made in Diptic the other day. Love this app!

2) Instagram

This app is all over my blog, and with good reason. I love it! It's another little community, which is always fun (find me: danihampton), and it's neat to see everyone else's photos too. It's super easy to use; all you do is upload a photo, choose from one of the many filters, and wa-la! New, pretty photo!

Laur's Bach. party

This is a must-have app for me because I adore my big Kindle, and this is just a mini-version of it so I can read wherever I am with ease. It syncs from your main device, and you can also download straight to your phone. There have been so many times where I am waiting in the doctor's office, in the car, etc. that I've used this great app. It basically means you always have your books with you whenever you go! Awesome.

BEST THING EVER! This app makes it possible to watch any of the instant play options right on your phone. Super handy for the gym or again, if you get stuck waiting somewhere. 

ShakeItPhoto is a fun app that turns your photos into little polaroids- you even shake your phone to process the image! I love the crisp white border and the look of these photos!

my handsome hubby

Other apps I love: 8mm movie (just got this one), Tumblr, Pandora, and Pocketbooth! 

Do you have any favorite that weren't listed here?


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