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Keepin' it Together ~ Lego City ZipBin

Do you know what drives me bonkers...each and every time? Stepping on kids toys, action figures, matchbox cars and lego. It hurts, plus, these playthings should have a home, but, they never seem to find their way there.

My son Matthew LOVES Lego and asks everyone for Lego as gifts for every occasion that comes along. He is content to sit and build for long periods of time, and takes great pride in what he constructs. One thing he isn't so great at is putting the Lego away when he is done playing, nor keeping track of his Lego sets. This mommy gets tired of telling the boy to pick up the same thing over and over and eventually toys left lying on the floor tend to disappear around here.

Then one day a couple of weeks ago a Lego City ZipBin came to live at our home, and changed the way he plays with his beloved Lego.


ZipBin ~ A toy box and play mat all in one.

ZipBin's are the perfect accompaniment to any toy purchase. With a ZipBin toys now have a happy home, one that kids are willing to use, because they see the ZipBin as a toy itself. Kids can easily put their toys in the ZipBin and simply zip it up when they are done playing. Everything is contained neatly inside and the bin even has a nifty carrying strap.

Since arriving at our home a couple of weeks ago, I haven't stepped on Lego once, nor have I had to threaten to clean and pick up or else! Matthew is proud of his ZipBin and enthusiastic to share it with his friend (who is also a Lego lover).

Neat-Oh declared January as Organization Month, but, really every month is organizational month when your home has ZipBin. I have tried baskets and bins before for toy storage and they have long been abandoned or destroyed. ZipBin is so well constructed and can withstand the wear and tear of a child's play.

ZipBin is part of the Neat-Oh family of products.

Neat-Oh! International, LLC, established in February 2005, brings innovative products to market that help consumers simplify their lives. The company's flagship products are its patent pending ZipBin™ line of attractively designed, transportable and collapsible interactive storage products that unzip to become activity or play surfaces, and then zip back up to storage bin form.

Neat-Oh has won several recognition awards for their many themed bins, and playmats. There is something for every little girl and boy in your life. I can see that Neat-Oh has just begun, and there are great things in store for this company. After all, they have exactly what we (moms) have been looking for - a storage solution for those pesky toys which hurt our feet!

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Disclaimer: I was sent a sample for my review. Opinions expressed are mine, yours may differ.


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