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30 things
Posted by sasa
Posted on 3:27 PM
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Today I thought I would do something fun and include a little "about me" post. Below you''ll find 30 things about me that a lot of people may or may not know. I originally shared this via my Tumblr, but I thought I would do the same here. I think it's always fun to get a little peek like this, so if you're inspired to do the same, leave me a link so I can hop over and see your list!
But, before I get into my "30 things," I have to say how EXCITED I am to be the proud owner of the highly-coveted chalkboard thought bubble that I am showing off in the photo up there, courtesy of Ms. Rachel Denbow. I snapped this photo quickly with photobooth a moment ago, but I'm already dreaming up a fun photoshoot with Henry to do this upcoming weekend. I'm looking forward to using this cute little chalkboard in a variety of ways- photoshoots, saying hi/hello to faraway friends and grandparents, and I may even coerce my sister into using it in some of her wedding photos. I kind of feel like every blogger needs one just to do fun projects with. But in the meantime, I'm going to keep it on our kitchen shelf and leave sweet messages for Hank on it every day. Love it. And, Red Velvet just restocked them TODAY, so if you want one, hurry up and head over there!
Now, my 30 things!
1. I was born and raised on the Jersey shore and I will always, always have a special place in my heart for NJ. I really love it there.
2. I was set to play collegiate soccer until I tore my ACL/MCL the summer of my junior year. It totally changed my life, but in the best way.
3. I have a cadaver ligament in said knee, which is gross/cool.
4. When my husband asked me to marry him, I blanked out from shock when I saw the ring and heard absolutely nothing he said. I had to ask him to repeat everything again.
5. When I was in 2nd grade I got into a horrible fight with a boy (ahem, Aaron DeLuca) who attacked me for beating him in a race; he punched out one of my front teeth.
6. I originally wanted to go to law school. So glad I didn’t. Instead I went on to get my Master’s degree and ended up having the best time in grad school.
7. I don’t ever want to work a “real” job again and I feel so lucky that I don’t have to- I love staying home to take care of my family.
8. When I met Hank I immediately knew he was “the one.”
9. I have a huge fear of birds and dogs attacking me. Not at the same time, although that would be an absolute nightmare.
10. In the 1st grade I was obsessed with Kirk Cameron and joined his fan club. Now that kind of grosses me out.
11. My Mom made my sis and I get pictures with Santa from when we were born up until last year, when we finally refused. It’s INSANE to see the progression of photos from infant to awkward teen and beyond. I'm thinking I need to share those next holiday season!
12. My most favorite job ever was at a bookstore and if I ever HAD to go back to work, I’d be a librarian.
13. My natural hair color is blonde!
14. I once broke up with a guy because his hands were too small and I couldn’t stop staring at them.
15. My first kiss was in a friend’s basement during a game of Spin the Bottle.
16. I kind of love the 90s and think it was one of the coolest decades ever. Funny clothing, awesome music. Most people disagree.
17. If I could, I would cover almost all of my body with tattoos (hands, neck, etc.). When it comes down to it though, I like being able to cover up what I have if I feel like it.
18. My NJ accent comes out when I get angry.
19. When I was a kid I wanted to be a cruise director when I grew up. So weird. First of all, I’ve still never been on a cruise, and two, what 5 year old wants to be that?
20. Dirty Dancing will always be one of my favorite movies.
21. I’ve been obsessed with Sylvia Plath since I was in 5th grade. I’ve read everything she’s ever written, and even wrote a term paper on her in college.
22. I think old people are super rad, even the crabby mean ones. I want to hug them all!
23. I do not like cats. At all. But I love kittens!
24. Those weird spore things that grow on ferns really make me uncomfortable and feel sick to my stomach. Totally strange that they bother me so much, but they do.
25. I used to have a reoccurring nightmare that I had leeches stuck to my forehead.
26. This one is odd: Once or twice a week I find myself humming the Indiana Jones theme song.
27. I feel my best when I workout first thing in the morning.
28. I was a dancer for most of my life. I still have dreams where I’m dancing. And the same goes for soccer.
29. I don’t drink coffee but I love coffee ice cream.
30. We already have all of our future kids’ names picked out, and have had them for years.
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