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182 days

Crystal and me

I wanted to take a minute and share the blog of my old and dear friend Crystal, who has recently been diagnosed with stage IV ovarian cancer. If you're a regular reader of this blog you've seen C. on here often; a few months ago I convinced her to do a Tattoo Tuesday for me, and we've had some of the best times together since we were in our mid-teens and throughout the past 11 or so years. Believe me, our 16-year old selves were quite "adventurous," and we have some amazing stories under our belt. Crystal is one of those women who you'd describe as a firecracker. She has personality for days, and is one of the most beautiful people I know, in and out. Unfortunately she's gotten dealt a pretty shitty hand of cards as of late, and like I mentioned above, is now battling cancer in a serious way. She recently started a blog, and I'd love it if all of you headed over her way and say hello and show your support. Be sure to tell her I sent you! Positivity is a wonderful thing, and she could use it. Thank you guys so much! xo


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