So, Henry turned 2 months this past Monday, believe it or not! That "believe it or not" is aimed mainly at me because I still can't believe it's already been 8 weeks since we brought our little man into the world. Like I said in my last post about growing up, time flies! I feel like he is different every single day, with new sounds, new movements, and a little more personality shining through. It's so fun to see all of these milestones and changes happening right before our eyes, and it's both sad and exciting to watch it happen so quickly. Oh, and above you'll see the first two of his monthly photo series, I forgot to post his 1 month in December so today you get two. :)
This month Henry:
has started to reactively smile
will coo and make vowel noises
seems to mimic sounds that we make
is so much more vocal
is starting to realize what his hands can do
Our little guy has been sleeping through the night from about 6 weeks on, and for the past two weeks every night has been really great. He'll go to sleep at 8pm, wake up anywhere between 2 and 3, then go back to sleep until about 8am. My friends have told me that I shouldn't share this amazing fact with anyone, because the moment I do he will be up every hour on the hour! haha! So let's hope his good sleeping least until teething begins. I do feel very lucky though that he is doing so well in this department, and it even seems like he is on a schedule of his own doing. I figure I had such a difficult birth that this was the universe's way of saying, here you go! Here's something a little easier for you. ;)
A few notes on everyday things: Henry hated tummy time until yesterday, when I sent a "help me!" out into Twitter-land, and got back so many great suggestions. Most of the ones that I got had to do with keeping him distracted while he was on his stomach, so I got out a mirror and wa-la! It was just the things I needed to keep him happy. My friend Anita also recommended a little Baby Einstein Take-Along Tunes toy that worked for her, so I think we'll get that too. As far as pacifiers, he only uses his NUK one at night, but not always. He's starting to self-soothe with his hand a little and seems to prefer that to a pacifier.
As far as size, Henry is currently in 3 month clothing and is really long. His next doctor's appointment is next week and I'm so curious to see how much he's grown! It has just been such a fun experience being a Mom. I went from not knowing what the heck I was doing to now, feeling a lot more on top of things and feeling like I am doing a great job. I was so overwhelmed during that first month, and although I wouldn't classify being a Mom as easy by any means, I'd definitely say it's much easier than it was. As every day passes I learn more about what works for Henry and what doesn't. I know how to rock him just so, so he will fall right asleep. I know that after he nurses for a long time he likes a little break, and then he always wants just a little more. His cries have distinct meanings, almost a language of their own. I feel like as these two months have gone by being a Mom has become more and more natural. It's true what they say about the maternal instinct, and it's neat to feel like I can do this after feeling kind of scared in the beginning. Being is a Mom is what I've always wanted to be, and it is the best feeling in the entire world to feel like I'm a good one, and becoming a better one everyday.
Happy 2 months, Henry!
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