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A Slice of...Springfield, Missouri!

for my new blog feature

This week I am so very excited to feature my blogging pal Elsie and her take on her hometown of Springfield, Missouri. Elsie has been so encouraging of my blogging from the very beginning, and I've met so, so many amazing ladies from her. I'm super thankful for her "blog friendship" and all the support she's given me along the way. I'm sure almost all of you follow her blog already, but if not, hop on over so you can enjoy her daily inspirational posts and beautiful photos along with the rest of us. Her blog is truly a treat!

Hi I'm Elsie from A Beautiful Mess (http://abeautifulmess.typepad.com/)!

Thank you, Danielle, for inviting me to share a little about my hometown, Springfield, Missouri. I've lived here my entire life and it's a pretty special place. I living in a state with all four seasons, amazing flea markets and tons of quirky local eateries. My fiance and I just purchased my all time favorite vintage store (click here) and we're remodeling it into my own little dream shop! I'm excited to give you a little virtual tour of my town.

My favorite local restaurant is Aunt Martha's Pancake House! They have amazing french toast and french fries too! I love to grandma decor. It's a classic!

Pumpkin Patches + Farmer's Markets. Missouri has the cutest little family-run stands! It's lots of fun. I love the apple orchard too! Magical.

This photo was taken at my favorite park, which is next door to our local art museum. I love taking walks and having little picnics there. It's really pretty with tall trees and a cute little flower garden.

Roller Skating. It's so 6th grade, but it's still really fun! I'm thinking about having a skating party for my birthday this year!

The Heritage Cafeteria. This place is notoriously for senior citizens and my sister and I think it's totally great! They serve grandma & grandpa food, like corn and green beans and cherry pie. It's pretty amazing and it's our grandpa's favorite place to eat in town! ;)

Thanks so much for letting me share a slice of Springfield, Missouri! If you're ever in area, stop by my local store on Commercial Street. XO, Elsie


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