After these and that, Izz finally being accepted to enter the British International School.
Eventhough it's quite far from our home, but it's a very good school.
I am really excited to see him during his first day of school which gonna be this Sunday
Sekejap je anak saya dah besar! I think other moms must understand how it feels, kan?
We went to the school today to buy the uniforms and meet the registrar
She brought us to tour the school
There's an indoor playground which they'll be using it during summer,
Also outdoor playground which can be use when the weather is colder.
There's a swimming pool and swimming lessons
Also the Arabic and Islamic Studies.
The classroom is quite big, and the maximum is 15 students in each class
I love to see when there's an oven and sink at one corner of the class (reminds me again that it's my son who is going to school, not me! LOL)
There's also a reading section at one corner of the classroom
Lastly, just outside the classroom there's a shaded playing compound where the kids can play while learning
There's a few tricycles, slides, gardening area, etc
When we tour the school, actually Aiden is one who is excited with the school
Then Izz was telling Aiden:
Izz: This is not Aiden's school, this is Izz's school!
Aiden: is Aiden skul!
Anyway Izz, dulu Mama school kat kampung saja
Tapi pandai jugaklah...selalu dapat Top 3 in class
Then mama dapat scholarship to go to University, alhamdulillah...
What I am telling here, no matter what or which school, dekat or jauh,
if Izz betul2 nak belajar, you can do it!
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